MetaQuotes released a new version of the MetaTrader 5 platform yesterday - Build 3260. It is now available via automatic update in your broker's platform. The update adds some exciting new features to the MT5 platform:
MetaQuotes' forum announcement thread:
If you find a bug or some undocumented feature in the new build, please post about it here.
- Added a bulk position closing facility - you no longer need specialized "Close all" scripts to close all trades in MT5. The built-in menu allows closing all, closing all profitable, and closing all losing positions, as well as delete all pending orders operations.
- Added more features to the terminal chat facility.
- Optimized terminal graphical functions.
- Fixed calculations of daily price changes for futures.
- Fixed errors when purchasing of services.
- Fixed operation of the "Start" button for purchased Market products - it will now correctly launch the product on the currently open chart.
- Fixed errors in positions history reports.
- Added more functions to MQL5 standard library to work with vectors and matrices.
- Added three methods to all arrays: ArgSort - sort the array by a specified dimension, Range - return the number of elements in a specified dimension, and Size - return the number of all elements.
- Added eight methods to all strings: BufferSize - return the buffer size allocated for the string, Compare - compare to strings and return the difference as an integer, Length - return the number of characters, Find - find a substring, Upper - convert all characters to upper case, Lower - convert all characters to lower case, Replace - replace a substring, Reserve - reserve a buffer for the string.
- Added SYMBOL_SUBSCRIPTION_DELAY parameter to the ENUM_SYMBOL_INFO_INTEGER enumeration to get the quote delay for the specified trading instrument.
- Added ACCOUNT_HEDGE_ALLOWED parameter to the ENUM_ACCOUNT_INFO_INTEGER to find out whether simultaneous opposite positions are allowed in this trading account.
- Added SYMBOL_SWAP_SUNDAY, SYMBOL_SWAP_MONDAY, SYMBOL_SWAP_TUESDAY, SYMBOL_SWAP_WEDNESDAY, SYMBOL_SWAP_THURSDAY, SYMBOL_SWAP_FRIDAY, and SYMBOL_SWAP_SATURDAY parameters to the ENUM_SYMBOL_INFO_DOUBLE enumeration to get the swap information for a specified trading instrument on a given day of the week. It can return 0 (for no swap), 1 (for normal swap), or 3 (for triple swap).
- Fixed operation of the CopyTicks() and CopyTicksRange() functions. They could return outdated data under some conditions.
- Fixed some other errors.

MetaQuotes' forum announcement thread:
If you find a bug or some undocumented feature in the new build, please post about it here.