MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal Build 1745


Staff member
Nov 30, 2008
On January 12, MetaQuotes has released a new update to the MetaTrader 5 platform - Build 1745. The new build fixes some important issues and introduces two new features:
  • Added an optional "/auto" key for terminal installer. If launching the installer with this key, the whole installation process will be finished automatically without any prompts to the user. It can be useful when installing many terminals on one or more computers.
  • Fixed a bug with checking proper user permissions in the operating system for installing the terminal.
  • Fixed excessive CPU usage when the terminal is idle.
  • Added automatic compression for the log files in Terminal and Strategy Tester.
  • Improved caching for single-test runs for better performance in Strategy Tester.
  • Fixed optimization of expert advisors via MQL5 Cloud Network.
  • Fixed calculation of spreads when testing with "Every tick" mode.
  • Fixed selection of OpenCL devices.
  • Fixed deletion of the generated rates of the custom trading symbols using CustomRatesDelete() function.
  • Fixed some other bugs and errors.
MetaQuotes' release announcement is available here:

If you find a bug or some undocumented feature in the new build, please post about it here.
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