Is MQL5.COM a scam site?

Well it is an official website for MQL5 platform, I think you encountered this problem because of internet connection issue.

Maybe there are too many scams transactions on it?



Apr 12, 2019
Well, if the moderator deleting thread and content anyway no matter how you put it should be done there totally and completely anyway. That really says for itself and there shouldn't be anymore things like that. Thanks for all your info here once again.
Well, if the moderator deleting thread and content anyway no matter how you put it should be done there totally and completely anyway. That really says for itself and there shouldn't be anymore things like that. Thanks for all your info here once again.

If mod is a scammer selling eas and signals , they all become scammers. All losing



Mar 18, 2019
were reviewers scammed by scammers ?

Reading the reviews nearly all state, they purchased a product which either does not work or is not as described. Then the service desk ignores, is rude or obstructive.

There seems to be a conflict of interest. MQL5 make money through commissions selling products from 3rd parties, the more products they sell the more money they make.
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Reading the reviews nearly all state, they purchased a product which either does not work or is not as described. Then the service desk ignores, is rude or obstructive.

There seems to be a conflict of interest. MQL5 make money through commissions selling products from 3rd parties, the more products they sell the more money they make.

Only scam sites delete/don't allow threads about complaints of products sold.

What are the rules for opening threads asking about opinions from others on the marketplace products/ signals?

Let us say , one wants to open a independent view and discussions on products/signals in a market place.Firstly we can test or back test these, after testing , the back tester may have an opinion.He is not able to discuss on product thread and get an independent opinion.
As a scammer you are supported to scam members , there is no discussion allowed on scamming.

There is a review section on the product page of the market product for that. Those threads are for internet marketeering