It affects their business , so most forum owners(supported by brokers) delete or bump/ push these threads lower.Here I can not find a 95 % lose thread on mql 5 site, maybe it is deleted.
Most trading forums are looking for broker sponsorship, so they try to keep content manipulated in favor of brokers interests , not the trader's interests.
The whole trading industry benefactors , rely on hiding the importance of 99% lose , in order to attract new traders to open accounts.If a forum,broker , mentor or vendor , was to advertise “you will lose because the traders are wired to lose ” , nobody from the vendor side is going to make money .This is because they won’t attract new traders , the brokerage model relies on new recruits to replace the losers of this year. Mentors will not get new subscribers and educators will lose out

Most trading forums are looking for broker sponsorship, so they try to keep content manipulated in favor of brokers interests , not the trader's interests.
The whole trading industry benefactors , rely on hiding the importance of 99% lose , in order to attract new traders to open accounts.If a forum,broker , mentor or vendor , was to advertise “you will lose because the traders are wired to lose ” , nobody from the vendor side is going to make money .This is because they won’t attract new traders , the brokerage model relies on new recruits to replace the losers of this year. Mentors will not get new subscribers and educators will lose out