WD Gann Analysis MT4 Indicator
With Gann Analysis indicator you don’t have to scale the chart, all you need is to find the correct Gann angle for each instrument.
Gann Analysis indicator can draw all types of WD Gann Angles over any timeframe, you can draw Weekly, monthly or calendar Gann angles over the daily chart.
Indicator Settings
The main indicator setting is Gann Analysis Mode setting where you will see two options to choose:
Please watch Video explaining all above setting and how to use
With Gann Analysis indicator you don’t have to scale the chart, all you need is to find the correct Gann angle for each instrument.
Gann Analysis indicator can draw all types of WD Gann Angles over any timeframe, you can draw Weekly, monthly or calendar Gann angles over the daily chart.
Indicator Settings
The main indicator setting is Gann Analysis Mode setting where you will see two options to choose:
- Angle – choose this option to draw Gann Angles on the chart.
- Percentage – choose this option to draw Gann Percentage Level on the chart.
- Angle Points: the value of angle point movement.
- Angle Time: the value of angles time movement.
- Angle Type: there are four types of angles we can draw: Daily, Calendar, Weekly and Monthly Angles.
- Angle Mode: there are Three modes for Angles:
- SingleAngle: to draw one WD GANN Angle line.
- MultiAngle: to draw 10 WD GANN Angles line starting from Angle point and time value.
- Custom Angle: to draw One WD GANN Angle from a specific Price.
- Percentage Level: the value of the Percentage Level we need to draw on the chart.
- Percentage Mode: there are four options to choose:
- SinglePercent to draw one Percentage Level.
- MultiPercent to draw 4 Percentage Levels on the chart (this will multiply the Percentage Level to 4 levels).
- FullPercent to draw full WD GANN Percentage Levels.
- Gann Analysis tutorial 1 - how to draw single wd gann angle
- Gann Analysis tutorial 2 : How to Draw Multi Gann Angles
- Gann Analysis tutorial 3 - How to Draw Custom Gann Angle
- Gann Analysis tutorial 4 - how to Draw Single Gann percentage
- Gann Analysis tutorial 5 - how to draw Multi wd gann Percentage
- Gann Analysis tutorial 6 - how to draw Full wd gann Percentages