The NEW livestream by SME FX: Counter market manipulation!!!


Apr 5, 2020
Dear Traders,

please see below the message from our CEO regarding our new website:

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I finally had the time to sit down and to write this text (it is rather long.....I do apologize for that in advance!).

Let me say it right at the beginning:
this is a BIG DAY for you, for me and for US, the FX community!

I am finally able to present several projects I have been working on for a quite a while now and I am as excited as you are to get things rolling! I believe that 2020 will be a very special year for us all. The ones who are in closer contact with me know what I will finally present after all these years!

Also, I finally had some good ideas how I could make the 'impossible possible' in terms of access, this by thinking outside of the box and by creating feasible solutions to more complex problems........but I elaborate on that below.

But before we come to these "hot topics", let us first take a step back and look at my work in the past (this in chronological order). The following timeline helps to remind everyone of the work I have been doing over the last 4 years or so.
Please take a minute to go through it as it is important to understand the underlying evolution and developments:


1. Timeline


- I posted my first market causality video on the new 'forex reality' channel.
(today: more than 9000 views)
- I started live trade videos on the same channel.

- I started the big "The only thread you will ever need: FX EXPOSED" thread on forexfactory.

- I started the "Smart Money Elite FX" youtube channel (including educational videos).

- Continuation of youtube live trade videos.
- November 2018: forexfactory changes my status to "commercial" (this without my consent).
- Continuation of youtube live trade videos.
- Continuation of the big "The only thread you will ever need: FX EXPOSED" thread on forexfactory.
- Continuation of the "Smart Money Elite FX" youtube channel (including educational videos).
- I won an elite trading competition.
- First 'TRADER to TRADER' Podcast (with GeorgeAUS).
- I helped many traders face-to-face, this for free. Some received my daily live trade videos.
- I started to write my book on the MK.
- I received many requests for sth. which now is the MK livestream. I started to work on feasible solutions.
- I decided to put down some money so that things can be realized.
- Creation of the SME FX website (
- Creation of the SME FX forum (
- Creation of the MK livestreams.
- Creation of the "FX Market Watch" initiative.

- Offering small traders the option to receive limited but free livestream access in return for marketing efforts (see further below).
- My big thread reached more than 13,400 posts!

Wow, I did not even realize myself that so much time passed and how many things I have done along the way! I hope that this serves as a motivation for others to be persistent and to go all the way, too! In trading itself, that is the ONLY way to get ahead, I cannot emphasize that enough; really put in some serious efforts since otherwise, you will only lose like the majority of DM traders does, this day in and day out.
So as you can see, I now run a 4 year track record regarding my efforts to improve the FX industry, to expose market manipulation at the highest level, to help other traders in this game, to show my own trading live etc. I am not aware of other people who have WALKED a similiar WALK, also putting TRADERS FIRST! I have GIVEN a lot, and I have received a lot of "thank you" messages from the community as a result.
And yes, the market causality (MK) is the closest to the "holy grail" in FX one would ever get.

As it is known, this had never been done before; I was able to document SM market manipulation in FX day by day; on all major markets, in real detail. At the beginning, some people thought that this would all be made up; but after they were able to see with their own eyes, LIVE how the SM algos go after MTS (medium-term stops), DM positions, STS, LTS etc., the weight of the evidence just crushed any last doubts.
No one was ever able to show the FX market structure in such an accurate way and across the world people were able why they lose in FX, this again and again and no matter which strategy they employ.
The market causality represents the dream of FX traders around the world; and I also realized at some point that I should take the step and go beyond the things I had done for some years.

In particular, around a year ago I received more and more messages from people who asked me to create a product or service that would allow them to access the market structure directly. When I started my popular thread in 2018, that was not on my mind. Also, there were quite some technological barriers in place which would make any such endeavour rather difficult.
However, in the end I decided to go all the way and beyond; with the intention to offer people what they asked for. I put down some money and made things happen.

So to make a long story short, I took some of my money in my hands and worked hard to create what was requested by the community. Yes, it took much longer than expected (remember that I am a full-time trader!), but I am a person who prefers to first work on things properly rather than putting something half-baked out there. The current solution was in my eyes good enough to enable me to go ahead with this announcement. In the future, things will get even better, so please be patient with me.

As you can see, everything I built was built to last. One should always think in the long-term. Even as a short-term trader, your overall approach should respect the long-term. But that is another topic I guess.

MK = As close as you will ever get to the 'Holy Grail'
While it is well known that in FX there is no "holy grail", it is true that the market causality (MK) is as close as you will ever get to it; it contains truely LEADING information and is a solid response to the SM market manipulation everybody else falls victim to. We see MTS runs, positions runs, STS runs etc. every day and in an efficient manner.
I should also emphasize that the MK is valid INDEPENDENT from the 'market phase'; whether we are in a trend mode, consolidation mode etc. The principles capture on which factors you should focus in which market mode. The recent, turbulent market environment has proven that once more.
There are MANY ways of using the MK; i.e. some people will use it to trade manually, others to decide which EA to switch on or off. Some traders may use it to trade IR MTS runs, some will use it to ride day chart trends etc. Other entities may use it for hedging against FX exposure (without falling victim to the SM market manipulation).

However, let me remind you to also respect the MK. It is ESSENTIAL that you have invested sufficient hours in studying the MK before going live. There is a lot of free content out there (also check the links below!); so make use of it! If you follow that, trading will be FUN for you! Think about that perspective. You will be part of the minority who has understood how the FX structure actually works; when to trade and when to save your hard-earned cash. That is very powerful. The MK enables you to see, understand and exploit true CAUSALITIES in the FX market structure and traders who have already studied the MK realized how "blind" they are without it.

2. Feedback, Requests & Poll decisions from the Community
As it is known, I was always keen to conduct "community polls"; many of these can be found in my thread. The reason why these are so important is the following; individual members may do this or that statement, however, in the end, it is far more relevant what the MAJORITY thinks. As it can be seen, I have paid a lot of attention to which kind of opinions the COLLECTIVE expressed in these polls. Also, the polls make sure that individual members and trolls who may follow egoistic agendas are out-voted, something that has proven to be useful again and again in the past.

3. And here it finally is...............the new website!

I am proud to finally present the new SME FX website ( I have invested quite some time and money to create it. It is no secret that its creation has taken me much longer than expected; remember that I am and always will be first and foremost a TRADER; so basically this new project was something that I had to work on in my own, scarce, personal free-time (such as on weekends).
My intention was to make the website dynamic and cool while still being very functional and professional. Let me know what you think. As you can see, over time, more and more categories could be added. I am happy that the SME TEAM went all the way in the end! Kudos!

Understand that NO MATTER what happens to me, to SME or to our team, you will NEVER regret a single second you have invested in looking at the livestream. This is VERY IMPORTANT.
Because NOBODY ever can take away the TAPE READING you are conducting by watching the stream. The knowledge / experience / understanding you will gain by watching the stream is VERY VALUABLE and can be used to significantly impove WHATEVER you are doing in the markets! Be aware of that important reality!
It is highly unlikely that you will ever get such deep insights into the actual price making process again! Especially if you always have been on the 'buy side' only.



6. Paid Access (Commercial)

The commercial option that is on the website is a very attractive deal for corporates who hedge against FX exposures and for professional full-time traders.
Companies which are subject to FX exposure can assign one of their employees to use the shots and livestream in order to make better hedging decisions for their firm. That is WAY cheaper than hiring a trader, economist or 'expert', but companies need to know that this service really exists in the first place. It can literally save a firm millions because if they subscribe they are not forced to fall for the SM manipulation games anymore! They can make more informed decisions instead (i.e. by using the long-term charts to place positions against DM accumulations etc.). FX changes can make or break the net PL of a firm!
Professional traders
understand the value of the commercial option and have no problem paying a very reasonable price for a very unique access which will enable them to have an optimal setup and to finally counter SM market manipulation! The BUY SIDE strikes back!

7. The new Forum
I am particularly excited about the new SME FX forum. Please make use of it as it is time that there is a forum for more serious traders who do not want to waste their time with irrelevant discussions or bickering among frustrated rookies. The Code of Conduct will be applied without mercy; people who engage in internet libel will be quickly removed, people who do not follow the rules will no longer be part of the forum. Trolls will not stand a chance. The focus is on TRADERS, not brokers or other entities! The forum is nicely designed, clean and focused, you will get used to it quickly.
Finally, there is a FORUM FROM FX TRADERS FOR TRADERS! It was about time!
This forum is for trading WINNERS, not for frustrated LOSERS who have nothing better to do then letting their anger out on others! Those can stay on the already-existing websites (and discuss about "which music they listen to" while losing money).
We are doing now what many traders always wished for!
Be part of that new initiative!
Engage with other traders to get BETTER and to engage in MUTUAL learning; not to fight and pull each other down!


9. Reporting Scams (i.e. broker scams, cyber crime, internet libel, market manipulation, etc.)

As I have explained in one of my videos, the FX industry of today in 2020 is subject to MANY scams; this across brokers, banks, marketers etc. It is time that we UNITE to do something about it!
I myself fell victim of a pretty big scam in 2019, but I do not elaborate further in this post (the ones who know me know what I am talking about).

Now, I have fought quite some battles in the past and I am not superman; I can neither do everything at the same time. My FOCUS will always be the MARKET CAUSALITY (MK) and trading, so please bear that in mind.
But, since nobody else seems to do something substantial regarding the above, I decided to add a complete scam reporting function on the SME website (called "FX Watch").
This will allow us to collect information on scam cases and to potentially assist in collective action WE TRADERS decide to undertake respectively. Again, the success of that initiative depends on YOUR participation and contributions, we HAVE to use our power as a COLLECTIVE in order to be able to bring scammers to justice or to change things for the better. Let's see how it goes!

10. My book

I am currently writing my first book on the market causality. It will include a complete structure regarding the content, trade examples and much more. However, again, my prioritized activity is and remains the TRADING itself, so the completion of the book will definitely take some time. So please be patient with me!

11. Star Trader Program (STP)
As you can see on the website, I plan to start the so-called "Star Trader Program". If you are a broker (we do not have contact with yet) and who is confident that you would qualify for the accreditation or the STP initiative, contact us via the 'report form'. Whether the STP will materialize in the end remains to be seen as it obviously depends on several factors.

12. Brokers

I am currently in negotiations with a low number of selected brokers that have gained my personal trust over the years. I will keep you updated (via the website) with regard to the announced broker accreditation initiative. And as always, the interests of US, the TRADERS will always be placed FIRST. So if you are a true bucket shop who trades against their own clients, do not bother, you will not pass the SME tests in the first place.

13. Dos & Donts (!)


- take your trading seriously
- put a realistic finance / time / IT plan in place (see video)
- use the new forum on the SME FX website
- use the FX Watch report forms
- read and understand the Disclaimer, CoC and Rules
- subscribe
- read this post carefully
- like & share the SME youtube videos / subscribe to the yt channels
- leave a testimonial if you are happy (via report form)
- study the thread, the videos, the podcasts etc.
- be constructive
- be positive rather than cynical
- be patient with me
- be part of this unique journey
- respect my privacy, respect my commitment
- respect the SME team
- understand that no matter what will happen in the future, the time you will have invested in stuyding and understanding the MK will NOT be lost; no one can take that "tape reading" and experience away from you EVER!
- play YOUR own role in this new MOVEMENT of FX TRADERS!


- miss the chance I have laid out for you (whether the FREE or paid options!)
- spread misinformation / gossip
- post MK screenshots from SME anywhere else
(you ARE allowed to post MK screenshots in the SME forum ONLY given that these are at least 2 full days old from the day posted)
- abuse the new SME forum
- use multiple usernames
- try to sell stuff without approval
- share the SME screenshots or breach the Code of Conduct otherwise
- be stingy when it comes to your professional trading setup
- be impatient
- violate the defined terms
- be cynical rather than positive
- be jealous of my can do it too!
- complain that you missed the "free livestream" deadline
- miss the chance to be part of this NEW MOVEMENT!

Understand that in case of breaches of rules / CoC you may get immediately banned (from the forum and / or livestream) and without further notice!
So please always behave in a reasonable manner!


15. Enjoy
Last but not least, please appreciate what I have done here. It was quite a trip! We live in a truely interesting time! The internet has changed the world forever and financial markets can no longer remain a 'secret engine in the basement'. We live in a time where computerization, robotization and algorithmization have taken over but in which information flows more and more easily across the globe. Accept the reality as it is and find the smartest way to respond to it! That is a principle that ANY trader should always respect.
I hereby offer you a feasible "solution" to the highly manipulated FX markets of today; this in a manner that has never been done before.
I do not say that to boost my ego but to make you aware that this here is a very unique project which could 'make history'. Whether the project will survive as a company or not remains to be seen; that also depends on YOUR own engagement! YES, YOU in front of the screen reading these lines right now! Do not believe that you do not matter, because you DO MATTER INDEED. Join this MOVEMENT I have started some years ago and play your own ROLE in it!
Together, we can CHANGE things and change them for the better. No powerful company, no matter how big; can compete against the WILL of MANY. So take ownership, contribute your little BIT in this arena and appreciate the work of others who have put down their time, money and energy to CHANGE things and to MOVE our community / the industry / society forwards.
Appreciate the ideas, creativity and willingness to implement that were necessary to finally realize SME FX!

16. Reminder

I will always be first and foremost a TRADER. As they say, 'once a trader always a trader'. I am excited how this new online project will develop. Let's see whether we will succeed in getting sufficient corporates in. The better things run, the more I am able to help where it is appropriate. A clear correlation. So support it!


Let us see how things go. In life, there is no guarantee for anything, but it is important that one tries to make things happen.
Nature loves courage.
You were able to witness my degree of persistence, competence, commitment and creativity in the last years.
I have certainly not been here since yesterday. I will now try to elevate things to the next level. You need to make a decision here.

Do YOU want to be part of this journey?
If the answer is 'yes', then prove it by becoming active.
The new, shiny forum is waiting for you.
In life, you will never regret extra-ordinary efforts to achieve what you want to achieve. Let;s rock this!

LOVE to ALL and stay safe,

31/03/ 2020



Stay safe,