Staggering your entries


Oct 6, 2013
Jessore Bangladesh
You can set a single entry in your entry staggering benefits from reducing your risk, and that this will increase your trading profit by placing multiple entries that. This is a solid trading strategy is not just a few minor changes to your entry can be staggering levels in order to maintain your business plan and that will produce the best results.


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
usually my posts are short..... :rolleyes: ....

let me better explain how i came to my conclusion.....

imagine a single expert advsior that included hundreds of different individual ea's in it each using it's own indicators/signals.....

if your familiar with cyberiatrader's cyberia decisions you'll better understand how it's done.....

i took that concept further and assigned a signal number to each 'decision'.... and increased the available decisions by hundreds......

macd might be signal 1....
rsi might be signal 2....
pallada might be signal 3.....
support/resistance might be signal 4......

and hundreds more..... many of which used combinations of indicators and/or filters.....

think in terms of hundreds of complete ea's included into this one.....

then i ran an 'exhaustive' backtest..... this was prior to the folks at metatrader developing their genetic algorithm method of backtesting.....

every single parameter was optimized on every single variable..... this backtest would take days..... i had to break the test in to separate tests on many computers....

this was done on each pair on each timeframes 5 and up..... this assured each individual component ea was backtested on the exact same data.....

a single order was placed.....

then the optimized impossible-to-achieve-in-real-life results were sorted and it was easy to see which 'decision' paid out best in this fairyland backtest......

those results were flat out depressing.......

this led to my equally intense attempt at maximizing order placement..... will post that later......h


Oct 6, 2013
Jessore Bangladesh
I do not Stagger entry and it works well for me. I have only one entry in a trade with the people who do not meet the PRO-trader. It is spread across an area of ​​support or resistance level is normal to have multiple entry.


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
those results were flat out depressing.......
in retrospect that should not have come as a surprise..... but it was ....

keep in mind this single ea was a combined collection of hundreds of both commonly seen ea's and many rarely seen..... it was capable of slowly running a backtest on each component ea, in a sense testing/comparing/rating their individual results against all others.....

so, i then slowly developed a manner of variable order placement..... once that function was included in the main ea, it could backtest staggered order entrys vs single order entrys....

this included of course buystops, sellstops, buylimits, selllimits in addition to trailing versions of those same orders.....

all parameters, lotsize, pip spacing, total number of orders placed and so on were optimizable variables...... the progression schemes for each of those variables was mind burning.....

but now, with a single ea, i could backtest literally hundreds of ea's on the exact same data with the ability to vary the order placement ...... and then compare their individual results......

those results were flat out depressing.......

this led to my equally intense attempt to filter technical signals with fundamental data......

after thousands of hours spent on it, my conclusion was that if it's a clear technical signal, meaning a macd cross, london breakout, tsr color change, or any clearly seen signal based on the closing price, all things considered it will usually be better to go in with 1 single order.....

in the case where the technical signal was backed by fundamentals, it almost invariably was best to place multiple staggered orders with larger than normal price targets and stoplosses....

sometimes those orders might number into the hundreds and pips into the thousands.......

grains of sand add up........h