InstaForex - Broker #1 in Asia

IFX Kerstin

Sep 17, 2012
One Million in Two Weeks with InstaForex!
InstaForex always provides you with the latest updates on international market events as well as company's news. Today we would like to tell you about an exceptional situation. Despite its originality, it demonstrates the unique opportunities you can get on exchange market. Recently, one of our clients Akhmad Arief made the daydream of millions of traders real. After two weeks of active trading, he managed to increase his start-up capital up to $1,000,000!

This story began when Akhmad opened his $1,000 trading account with InstaForex in the beginning of July. During two weeks he was trading such currency pairs as GBP/USD and EUR/USD. Nobody expected that he could become a millionaire by the middle of the month using risk strategy!

"We have never seen such trading before and will hardly see soon. Even in conversion to the working days the yield was 100% per day during 10 days in a row. The profit volume is astonishing as well as the length of such win-win and risk strategy as the client used all the money on his account for the next deal. But every time lady luck was on his side," - Aleksey Badjyanov says, representative of the Dealing Department.

The chart shows the balance of #2065757 live trading account. Within the first two weeks of July, the account holder earned over one million US dollars with the initial deposit slightly more than one thousand US dollars. Eventually, the account balance was running $1162092.42. The second half of July appeared to be far less successful for the customer: he lost all his profit.


Having earned $1,000,000, Akhmad decided not to stop. However, Forex market is known to be very unsteady due to frequent oscillations and change of trend directions. Successful deals were followed by deals opened against the trend direction which led to profit loss.

Of course, foregone million disappointed the trader. However, Akhmad is not in despair and is already planning to win again. For him, as for many other traders, this situation was indicative of endless possibilities on exchange market which proved that one can make up a fortune out of modest capital! Nevertheless, it is important to benefit from the achieved results and also not to be affected by the astounding success.


Interview with Mr. Ahmad Ariff

InstaForex: How long have you been working on Forex?
Ahmad Ariff: About 5 years, starting from 2007 until now. Before, I used another platform with another trading system (different from MT4) that limited me to less money I could earn. Then my friend recommended me InstaForex that used MT4, so I can trade higher trading volumes.

InstaForex: It’s a dream of every trader. How did you manage to make fortune from such a small initial deposit?
Ahmad Ariff: Depends on the graf (high-recommended to sell, low-recommended to buy), besides, I used Forex trading signal, RSI, PPO, stochastic, technical analysis, and future fundamental analysis.

InstaForex: What currency pairs have you traded?
Ahmad Ariff: My favorites are EURUSD, GBPUSD, and AUDUSD.

InstaForex: Why have you chosen them in particular?
Ahmad Ariff: For me, fundamental points of these currencies are easier to read and forecast.

InstaForex: What leverage have you chosen for trade?
Ahmad Ariff: I start with 1:200. And I will change this parameter if I need in the Client Cabinet. This is a very attractive feature of InstaForex.

InstaForex: Did you plan to earn such a huge amount when started trading?
Ahmad Ariff: Of course, yes.

InstaForex: You made a dream of million traders come true, what do you feel after losing it?
Ahmad Ariff: Really really frustrated... I was not in front of my PC when it happened. I was engaged in outside work during that time... so I couldn't close my open position.

InstaForex: Do you plan to repeat it and get a million back?
Ahmad Ariff: Yes!

InstaForex: If you succeed to make a million again, what will you spend it for?
Ahmad Ariff: Clear all my loan, buy a new house, new car, do other investment and some charity's work.

InstaForex: What in your opinion helps traders earn on Forex: their skills or good luck?
Ahmad Ariff: Skills are very important, as a trader, a lot of new traders, should learn some basics, such as indicators, patterns, technical analysis, and fundamental analysis, but good of luck not all traders get it.

InstaForex: Do you think your profit was a result of your hard work or just an accident?
Ahmad Ariff: I've 5 years experience as a trader. It is hard to become rich with small initial deposit, but if you've a lot of money, let's say USD100,000 and more, you can rapidly earn money in short term... believe it!

InstaForex: What will you advise the beginning traders?
Ahmad Ariff: For new trader, please learn some basics, follow your leader, ask them why, why and why and most important is gain experience in trading.

Competent active trading and compliance with you trading strategy make it possible for every InstaForex trader to reach the most cherished objective and add a new name to the list of the most successful traders.

Good luck in trading with InstaForex!

The material is prepared by InstaForex PR Department with the consent of the owner of the trading account № 2065757 Akhmad Arief. In October, in the terms of ShowFx Asia in Singapore there will be a video interview with the trader which will be published on GC InstaForex resources.

IFX Gertrude

Master Trader
Jun 26, 2012
Success and Trading with InstaForex
If you are not among the participants of InstaForex contests and campaigns, it is high time to join them! You can enjoy captivating trading tournaments and also get valuable prizes and gifts. Everyone has a chance to win as luck can be on your side at any moment. Hurry up to register for the next steps and try your fortune!

InstaForex Sniper
It is clear that the ability to reach the desired target is half the battle of any business. When it comes to trading with InstaForex, you can succeed in one of the most popular contests held among demo accounts - InstaForex Sniper. Novi Sonari Ilham from Indonesia is the winner of this week. Register for the next step right now, and since October 21-26, 2012 you could fight for the main prize. Do not miss you chance, registration is over 1 hour before the contest start.

One Million Option
Every trader has to walk a crooked path from a theorist to expert, from newcomer to a professional. But even now you can gain extra profit participating in One Million Option challenge by InstaForex. All traders are welcome to take part regardless of their experience of training. Last time Sergei Borisov from Russia was the luckiest to leave all the opponents behind. Remember, anyone can be the winner! Do not forget to register for the new step which will start on October 21, 2012.

InstaForex Great Race 2012
Another step of annual InstaForex Great Race 2012 is over. It is one of the most large-scale contests among demo accounts. The number of participants is increasing with every year gathering tens of thousands traders from all over the world. Babak Ekhlasi became the winner last time. You can also struggle for the total grand prize of $55,000. Just register until October 28, 2012 for the upcoming contest which will take place from October 29 to November 30, 2012.

Trade wise, Win Devices
None other than trader knows that it is very important to constantly have an access to a trading account. Fancy brand new mobile device is the best way to keep abreast of currency trading events and what is more pleasant you can get it from InstaForex for free. The company holds a unique raffle off of such devices as iPad, iPhone, Blackberry and Samsung Galaxy Tab. Hendarwan from Indonesia has already got Blackberry smart phone for the victory in the last step. You can take part in the next contest which will be from October 28 to November 9, 2012.

Try your luck and win with InstaForex!

To learn more about contests
Photos and comments of the finalists

IFX Matthias

Oct 9, 2012
InstaForex Participated in IV ShowFx Asia in Singapore
Several thousands of visitors took part in 2-day exposition organized by ShowFx Asia in Singapore. Free busses were aimed to transport citizens of Shah Alam, Kuala Lumpur, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, and Johor to this event. The exhibition took place in Marina Bay Sands Hotel and pleased its quests with high level of services provided. Both InstaForex clients and those who are interested in InstaForex world and striving to join it in order to get as much qualified assistance in trading sphere as possible, visited this exciting expo.


Traditionally the participants could study exhibition booths of the participants and discuss them. Such experts in financial sphere as Arief Makhmor, Asri Mahmod, Matthew Chew, Thomas Saw, M. Azhanudin Kasdi, Choo Koon Lip, and Kartamn Hu took part in workshops, seminars, and trainings. Dr. Rakesh S. Rajangam, InstaForex partner and speaker, became the highlight of the exposition. He gave lectures on How to be successful in trading and The 5 types of courage for Forex market. Professor got a big hand for his report and managed to cut the ice with experienced public

The exhibition impressed with its information value of the presented speeches as well as modern devices which were raffled off during the event. InstaForex Company has drawn two iPads while ShowFx pleased the guests with two Samsung Galaxy S3 phones. The luckiest ones got 4 certificates for $1,000 and one for $1,500 for their InstaForex accounts.

Yet another top-level exposition took place in Singapore. InstaForex Company is grateful to ShowFx Asia, speakers, and, of course, the participants of this event.

The photoreport of the event is available in InstaForex blog.

IFX Kerstin

Sep 17, 2012
Now's the Time for Awards!
Participants of InstaForex contests remained steadfast in their determination to win and eventually the best of them reached the finish line. Their passion and purpose went hand in hand. With a help of good luck as well they now stand on winners’ podium to get the deserved gifts and prizes. Meet the winners!

InstaForex Sniper
Let us announce the winner of InstaForex Sniper, one of the most popular company’s contests. This time the top name in the winners’ list is Andrei Svinin (65413119). Congratulations! You can also take part in the competition among demo-accounts. The next step of the contest is to be held within a week of November 4-9, 2012 and registration will last till November 3, 2012 up to 23:00(GMT+3).

Trade Wise, Win Device
Just for those who like modern gadgets, InstaForex Company prepared this campaign. According to its results people are prized with different innovative devices. The winner of the fortnight Trade Wise, Win Device campaign is Artem Ginevskiy. The organizers' generosity knows no bounds so you can also become that lucky person. You can join the campaign, which will take place November 1-23, 2012.

FX-1 Rally
Speed and excitement. These are two words associated with the FX-1 Rally contest. Our traders go in the direction of success through sharp turns of Forex market and looking forward with shining eyes. Fady Makary Rizk (65412424) finished first as the fastest trader. His prize is $500. You can take part in the contest next Friday, November 7, 2012. Do not hesitate to register on the relevant page of the InstaForex website.

One Million Option
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Today Elena Kosteletskaya is the winner of the One Million Option contest. She was brave enough and managed to be the first. You also have an opportunity to try your fortune and get $500. Just register for the contest, which will be held from November 4, 2012 to November 16, 2012.

Learn more about the contests
Photos and comments of the finalists
Last edited:

IFX Kerstin

Sep 17, 2012
InstaForex is Happy to Congratulate the Winners!
InstaForex Company sums up the results of another contest week. We thank all the participants for encouragement and honest fight due to which the tournaments were interesting indeed. The temperature was high until the last minutes as the leading position was going from one contestant to another. That is why the price victory is so high.

InstaForex Sniper
InstaForex Sniper weekly contest checks traders’ accuracy and reviles the most talented shooters. Anyone can take part in the next step of the contest which will be on November 11-16, 2012. Registration for InstaForex Sniper will last till 23:00 (GMT+3) November 10.

Rally FX-1
Every Friday Rally FX-1 gives a chance to the best Forex racer. If you are ready to accept the challenge, and astonish everyone with some stunt driving, you are welcome to the next rally from 00:00 till 23:59 (GMT+3) next Friday. Register for the tournament at the relevant webpage.

Real Scalping
In October Aleksey Shibaev turned to be the best scalper. Congratulations on justly achieved victory! If you want to try your hand in quick trading, register for the next step which will be held December 2-28, 2012. Register for the contest on the official page before23:00 (GMT+3) December 1.

Lucky Trader
John Gabril proved to be the luckiest in the two-week battle. Congratulations on Lucky Trader title, may all your undertakings be successful. The next contest is taking place on November 18-30, 2012. Hurry up to register for it until 23:00 (GMT+3) November 17. Join the winners!

To learn more about contests
Finalists’ comments and photos

IFX Matthias

Oct 9, 2012
InstaForex is Happy to Congratulate the Winners!
InstaForex Company sums up the results of another contest week. We thank all the participants for encouragement and honest fight due to which the tournaments were interesting indeed. The temperature was high until the last minutes as the leading position was going from one contestant to another. That is why the price victory is so high.

InstaForex Sniper
InstaForex Sniper weekly contest checks traders’ accuracy and reviles the most talented shooters. Anyone can take part in the next step of the contest which will be on November 11-16, 2012. Registration for InstaForex Sniper will last till 23:00 (GMT+3) November 10.

Rally FX-1
Every Friday Rally FX-1 gives a chance to the best Forex racer. If you are ready to accept the challenge, and astonish everyone with some stunt driving, you are welcome to the next rally from 00:00 till 23:59 (GMT+3) next Friday. Register for the tournament at the relevant webpage.

Real Scalping
In October Aleksey Shibaev turned to be the best scalper. Congratulations on justly achieved victory! If you want to try your hand in quick trading, register for the next step which will be held December 2-28, 2012. Register for the contest on the official page before23:00 (GMT+3) December 1.

Lucky Trader
John Gabril proved to be the luckiest in the two-week battle. Congratulations on Lucky Trader title, may all your undertakings be successful. The next contest is taking place on November 18-30, 2012. Hurry up to register for it until 23:00 (GMT+3) November 17. Join the winners!

To learn more about contests
Finalists’ comments and photos

IFX Kerstin

Sep 17, 2012
Taste of Success
Sifting through your fingers like sand, the time is moving forward. Having just set the traders off for the new round of competitions, InstaForex is already waiting for them at the finishing line with gifts and prizes. Contest days, full of competition, enthusiasm, and drive to win have already passed by, leaving strong emotions together with bright recollections behind. Finally, it is high time to encourage the luckiest ones for hard work with the imperatorial laurels. Let’s congratulate our winners!

FX-1 Rally
Who loves the speed? Of course, FX-1 Rally contestants do! They were demonstrating remarkable skills and desire to win in order to become the fastest trader. The most skilful ones have reached the finish. This time Aleksandr Dobrordniy was the fastest. InstaForex heartily congratulates the winner and hands in $1,500 prize. Take the plunge next time in the most high-speed contest. Register for it on the following page.

Trade Wise, Win Device
Aleksandr Dubrovskiy managed to get fancy iPad at the end of the two-week contest. Brand new device now belongs to the most successful trader who just topped up his trading account with InstaForex and registered on contest page. Hi-tech gadgets are waiting for their owners! Try your fortune in fight for the modern device during the next step of the contest which is held from November 26 to December 8, 2012.

Real Scalping
Real Scalping contestants were heading towards the victory for one month. Every trader was demonstrating the clear superiority over the other, showing the outmost performance. However, Aleksey Shibaev turned to be the smartest and earned the best scalper title. Yet again the most patient and persistent contestants will be able to get a look in and win a money prize from InstaForex. Next step of Real Scalping contest will be held from December 3 to December 29.

Chancy Deposit
Fortune is a capricious lady. It is always hard to predict whom she will pick up next time! Nadezhda Bahareva was lucky enough to get the $1,000 prize from InstaForex this week. Take your chance next week. Hurry up to register for this jumpy and unforgettable contest!

InstaForex - step towards a dream!

Learn more about the contests
Photos and comments of the finalists

IFX Kerstin

Sep 17, 2012
The results of InstaForex First Conference in Moscow 2012
InstaForex Company has summarized the results of the first InstaForex conference for existing and potential customers that took place on November 10, 2012 in Moscow. A registration for this large-scale event ended few weeks before its opening and gathered more than 300 people at Ritz-Carlton Moscow Hotel on Red Square. The event was attended by traders not only from Moscow but also from other cities of the country, which made the meeting one of the brightest Russian Forex events this year.

During the conference day leading experts in the field of currency trading delivered their reports: Stanislav Zelenskiy, Nadezhda Zhyzhko, Sergei Belyaev, Gleb Kabanovs and Viktor Pershikov. Informative presentations on various aspects of technical analysis were met by the audience with great interest and led to a number of additional questions.


The presentations were followed by a lively debate over hot topics raised by the speakers and did not stop during the complimentary coffee break organized by InstaForex Company.

Between the presentations the guests of the event took part in prize draws for bonus accounts and other gifts totaling $5000. In addition, the visitors got $50 on their deposit as a present from InstaForex Company.

InstaForex First Conference in Moscow 2012 brought effective results and made it possible to actively discuss the problems of currency trading in Russia, to strengthen professional relationships and establish new partnerships. The event contributed to the professional development of the participants.

InstaForex Company thanks everyone for their interest and activity during the conference. We look forward to seeing you at the conference next year!

To learn more about InstaForex First Conference in Moscow 2012, please visit the official website of the company, where you can find the results of the event and a photo report.

IFX Kerstin

Sep 17, 2012
InstaForex Company Work Schedule for Christmas and New Year Holiday Period
We would like to draw your attention to InstaForex Company work schedule during Christmas and New Year holidays so that you could plan your trading time according to it.

On December 24, 2012 the market will close at 20:00 (UTC + 03). December 25 is a non-working day. On December 26 the market will open at 09:00. The Client Support department will start working from the same time as well.

The market will close on December 31, 2012 at 20:00. Client Support will be unavailable as well. January 1, 2013 is a non-working day. The market will open again on January 2 at 09:00. From this time all the departments of the company will start working as usual.

In addition, please note that opening orders on exotic currency pairs (Forex Crosses 4 and Forex Crosses 5) will be unavailable from December 24, 2012 to January 4, 2013, but there will be no restrictions to close orders.

All the other trading conditions of InstaForex Company remain unchanged.

IFX Kerstin

Sep 17, 2012
InstaForex Participated in ShowFx World Expo in Kiev
ShowFx World financial exposition took place on November 17-18, 2012. InstaForex Company was the title partner and the participant of this event. Exhibition in Kiev proved to be a great chance for introduction of company’s services and offers as well as it gave an opportunity to meet potential and current clients.

The guests were very interested in company’s booth and asked many questions about innovative broker's services, bonuses and ways of funds replenishment and withdrawal. Every visitor received InstaForex Club card which enables to accumulate bonuses up to 40% for every replenishment.


Official program was accompanied by the performances of well-known specialists in the field of market analysis. The guests readily participated in discussions of speakers' reports.

All the visitors enjoyed the solemn award ceremony of Miss Insta Asia 2012 finalists. Ekaterina Nagornaya was chosen as the most beautiful lady and got the crown together with $20,000 prize money. Five other winners shared the rest of the prize pool.

As a part of exhibition, InstaForex raffled off valuable prizes and bonus accounts. Some of the guests were lucky to get three $500 bonus certificates, and fancy mobile devices such as iPad, iPhone, and Samsung Galaxy Ace 2.

InstaForex Company expresses its appreciation to ShowFx World administration for high-level organization of exhibition in Kiev and also thanks all the visitors for their attention and participation in promo campaigns. InstaForex hopes to see you again at the next financial event!


Jun 11, 2012
InstaForex is Serving Over 1,000,000!
InstaForex Company is happy to announce that the number of company’s clients reached a landmark figure! Now more than 1,000,000 clients prefer InstaForex to other companies!


Due to our partners and clients’ dedication we always keep abreast of the times. We do everything to make your cooperation with InstaForex comfortable and fruitful. A wide range of services of high-level, trading experts, and individual approach help us to be on top of brokerage services market. Up-to-dated informational technologies, reliability, comfortable and qualified servicing allow InstaForex to create all the necessary conditions for beneficial work of both newcomers and seasoned traders.

Success and confidence of our clients are of great importance for InstaForex. That is why we are interested in amicable collaboration based on mutual trust, honesty and commitment to reach the desired goals.

Thank you for choosing us!

IFX Bella

Active Trader
Dec 6, 2012
Here are the lucky winners!
To take part in the contest is extremely challenging. Making this decision we think: "What if I win?" and we are eager to participate trying our best. Meanwhile, we should understand that good luck plays a significant role in the process of winning. InstaForex Company is pleased to greet award-winning traders and is ready to award the prizes!

FX-1 Rally
This contest is for those who love speed and excitement! FX-1 Rally is a fascinating contest full of unpredictability, excitement, and rivalry. Anatoliy Miron demonstrated the best result. He won a $500 prize. InstaForex warmly congratulates Anatoliy on his achievement! Would you like to prove yourself as the quickest trader? Next Friday you can take part in the contest. Register for FX-1 Rally on the registration page.

Lucky Trader
InstaForex Contests are for courageous traders. However, it is pleasant to be among the owners of the title "Lucky Trader". Nikolay Hilko has a good luck today. He is a lucky trader as he won $1,000 prize. Enroll for the next stage of the contest which will take place from December 17, 2012 to December 28, 2012. Registration is available until 23:00 December 16, 2012.

InstaForex Sniper
Vitali Kotchenko is a winner of the most popular contest among the InstaForex traders. InstaForex Sniper provides the possibility for the traders to compete with the other traders holding demo accounts and get a $500 prize. InstaForex warmly congratulates the winner. Everybody is welcome to take part in the next contest which will be held from December 10, 2012 to December 14, 2012. Registration is available until 23:00 (GMT+3) December 9, 2012.

Chancy Deposit
Who is the owner of the chancy deposit? The campaign is over signifying the name of the winner is known. This week fortune smiled on Jeong Myeong Gyu as he won a $1,000 prize. Next week you can prove yourself and try fortune. Hurry up and register!

InstaForex Company is glad to make your life brighter!

More information about the contests
Winners’ photos and comments
Last edited:

IFX Kerstin

Sep 17, 2012
InstaForex Great Race 2013 Coming Soon
InstaForex Company is happy to announce the start of a new season of InstaForex Great Race, the contest among demo accounts. It is interesting for traders who want both to improve their skills and to get real money from demo trading.


For the five-year history of InstaForex Great Race, tens thousands of traders have registered for the competition. Isn’t it the sheer proof of contest’s popularity? In the fifth season of InstaForex Great Race, the total prize pool reached $55,000. Be ready to get a piece of this pie! Hurry up to register and become a candidate for a part of the prize pool. The registration for the first step will last from December 10, 2012 to February 1, 2013.

Participate in InstaForex Great Race 2013, raise your professional level and earn money at no risk! Register for the new season of InstaForex Great Race 2013 right now!

Take part in InstaForex contests!

IFX Matthias

Oct 9, 2012
Investment Conference by ShowFX World in Sunny Anmaty
On December 8, 2012 InstaForex Company participated in the financial conference of ShowFX World held in Almaty, Kazakhstan. This type of event was held in the Southern Capital, however, the number of visitors and participants could be compared to that recorded for the largest conferences arranged by the exhibition brand ShowFX World.

The conference was attended by professional traders of the currency market as well as by newbies. The representatives of InstaForex were pleased to meet and to communicate with the active and potential customers of the company, sharing the latest innovations on Forex.


A lively atmosphere was observed all day long. Moreover, a particular interest was evoked by the speeches of specially invited analysts from the InstaForex team: Anatoly Khegay, Olga Dudukalova, Nadezhda Zhizhko, Sergey Belyaev, and Oleg Khmelevskoy, who dwelled upon their experience of working on the currency market as well as answered all questions of guests regarding the subjects of the speeches and the Forex trading theme on the overall.

Traditionally, the company arranged a lottery with such prizes as modern devices and money-certificates from InstaForex. The luckiest guests won iPhone, iPad and two $500 certificates.

InstaForex is grateful to all visitors, organizers and participants of the event, and hopes that the meeting held in the finance centre of Kazakhstan, has become a start of an annual tradition.

IFX Bella

Active Trader
Dec 6, 2012
InstaForex 2012 Summary Report
InstaForex Company congratulates all its customers and partners on the upcoming New Year! On the eve of this glorious holiday, it is a pleasure to sum up plentiful results of the work done and sketch some plans for the future. Sticking to its traditions, InstaForex Company would like to recall the foremost happenings and accomplishments of the outgoing 2012. Since customers represent the key priority for the company, the most memorable figure of 2012 is the record number of people who registered InstaForex accounts. Now over 1,000,000 traders work with InstaForex Company! This figure seems to be particularly impressive, taking into consideration the fact that just at the beginning of the year we celebrated the opening of the 500,000th account with our company.

Every InstaForex client enjoys access to the state-of-the-art technologies of currency trading. This year the list of InstaForex innovative services expanded to the unique ForexCopysystem which enabled our customers to adopt practices of experienced traders by following their profitable trades copied automatically. There are more newly launched services that cannot be left unnoticed. The VPS hosting service ensured InstaForex clients uninterrupted trading. In addition, an online InstaForex shop was opened for all those willing to have or present to colleagues branded souvenirs and other products. InstaForex Company cherishes the principles of transparency and maximum openness. The proof is large-scale Forex conferences in Moscow and Saint Petersburg as well as Grand Dinner in Kuala Lumpur the company held for the first time this year. These massive occasions were attended by about 1,000 InstaForex customers who had an excellent chance to discuss topical aspects of working on the financial markets!

The conferences were a huge success, which brought to light rising interest in events providing traders with opportunities for live communication, experience exchange and search for answers to numerous questions related to trading. In this connection, InstaForex Company decided to arrange Forex conferences and business dinners annually, so that its existing and potential clients could meet with its representatives.

For the participants of our contests and campaigns the outgoing year was marked by abounding diversity of the prizes totaling $500,000. In particular, we have already drawn Lotus Evora sports car, tens of mobile devices, such as iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, Samsung Galaxy Tab within various campaigns, and $50,000 within the Chancy Deposit campaign.

Our unquenchable desire for the victory in 2012 was embodied in award-winning basketball player Ilona Korstin, highly talented chess grandmaster Magnus Carlsen, outstanding sportsman Oleg Taktarov, famous racer and InstaForex rally team driver Ales Loprais.

InstaForex Company welcomes the new 2013 with ambitious plans associated with firm intentions to optimize the existing services and introduce some new and, therefore, make your Forex trading even more convenient and fruitful.

We sincerely hope that the New Year will bring you new prospects, open new scope for development to you, inspire you to great solutions, make all your endeavors successful, boost your self-belief and let all your plans come true. Stay with us in 2013!

IFX Kerstin

Sep 17, 2012
We wish you a new year filled with joy and happiness
In the run up to Christmas and New Year, InstaForex Company hastens to congratulate its clients and partners! We hope that you will remember this year glittering with achievements and victories in your everyday life and Forex market!


Ahead of 2013 we sum up the results, specifying the purposes accomplished and the plans fulfilled. Even today we set new goals and think about unconquered summits. Looking back, it is hard to believe that in the early part of the year we had 500,000 accounts with InstaForex Company, and now 1 million clients from all over the world enter the new year with us. We are happy that our principles of openness and the highest quality of services resonated with a large number of traders actively cooperating with the company.

Every client of InstaForex Company is offered vast opportunities of trading on the international currency market, meeting current requirements and advanced technologies. The main innovations of the year are outstanding PAMM and Forex Copy systems. The systems enable its users to get a considerable profit, relying on the experience of successful traders, and raise their professional level.

In addition, 2012 was the year of numerous contests and campaigns with total prize fund of $500,000. A lot of people won mobile devices, bonus accounts and tablet PCs. The luckiest man got a chance to win a new Lotus Evora.

We hope to see next year more productive and interesting. May it bring you fresh hope, good impressions and provide you with a lot of pleasant surprises. We wish you every success, along with spiritual and material well-being!


Jun 11, 2012
InstaForex Company Summarizes the Results of InstaForex Great Race 2012
InstaForex Company is happy to tell the results of the last step and, at the same time, the whole season of InstaForex Great Race 2012. We are glad to welcome the participants at the finishing line of the most popular Forex campaign.


Tens of thousands of traders from 80 countries were fighting for the main prize during four steps of the contest, competing in professional skills on Forex market. The whole world was watching captivating and unpredictable traders' game. Suspense was intense until the last minutes.

InstaForex Great Race is considered to be the leading international Forex contest for the fourth time, uniting people from all over the world. InstaForex encourages great amount of traders and increases the prize pool from year to year. In 2012 the grand prize totaled $55,000!

We thank all the participants for the strong desire to win and excellent moral which helped them through the year.

Looking forward to see you in new season of InstaForex Great Race 2013 and wish you to achieve new victories on Forex market!

IFX Kerstin

Sep 17, 2012
With InstaForex you can conquer any kind of heights!
In summer 2012, InstaForex Company presented two new projects to the world Forex community — a branded airplane and an aerostat with the company’s bright logo on it.


Gaining the recognition from hundreds of thousands of traders from all over the world yearly, InstaForex Company over and over again shows that it does deserve the statuses of the best broker in Asia and one of the leading brokers in the entire world. Both InstaForex balloon and InstaForex Airplane symbolize vertiginous heights of currency trading reachable for each of our customers and partners.

InstaForex balloon was first launched at the trading convention in Crimea. As for InstaForex Airplane, it came around as a result of cooperation between InstaForex Company and Czech Airlines, one of Europe’s largest air companies. These two projects were designed not only to promote the garish InstaForex brand, but also to manifest how user-friendly and reliable the services offered by the Company are. Just like a balloon or a super-efficient plane whizzing up into the sky, InstaForex customers strive for new victories and accomplishments in the sphere of currency trading.

IFX Bella

Active Trader
Dec 6, 2012
Prizes to the winners!
All InstaForex customers know that Forex trading is not only interesting and moneymaking work but also an exciting trip that can bring working traders positive emotions, because InstaForex pleases them with great variety of money prizes and gifts. Let us congratulate the winners and announce the top-grade traders of this week.

FX-1 Rally
FX-1 Rally gives a chance to everyone who loves high speed trading to push luck. Passion for victory and adrenaline allowed the fastest traders to enter the final straight and one of them – the luckiest one – to win the Forex rally. The $500 prize goes to Tony Wardhana. Everyone can register for the next rally, which will take place next Friday.

Lucky Trader
Lucky Trader is a pleasant title, especially for those who like risk. Last week Igor Kuznetsov took the risk and became a lucky trader. He will be awarded with $1,000. Everyone who registers on the page will participate in the next contest from January 28, 2013 to February 8, 2013.

InstaForex Sniper
One of the most popular contests among traders is InstaForex Sniper. Traders test their skills on demo accounts and win real money. The most skillful trader of this week Igor Romanov gained both experience and real money from trading on demo account. InstaForex sincerely congratulates him and invites everybody to take part in the nextcompetition, which is to be held on January 21-25, 2013.

One Million Option
Option trading can be unpredictable with One Million Option contest. Every week option traders try to win the money prizes from InstaForex. This week $500 prize account was opened for Vladimir Brazhnikov. Register for the next step of the competition and take revenge from January 21 to January 25, 2013.

Your dreams can come true with InstaForex!