exchange a good strategy---super onionskin


Dec 30, 2011
I live in California, my trading time is only the end of New York session and the majority of Asian Session. I can not stay late because I have to work the next day. Usually, I go to bed at 10:30 PM (LA time), which is 1:30 AM (NY time, EST). Thus, I developed a strategy---super onionskin. I set up all of the pending order at H1 bar at 00:00 (EST) and go to bed every day. This trading system is safe and profitable including a lot of complicated calculation and logical deduction. However, I embed all of these into a Excel. You just need to input three numbers into it and excel will tell you everything. You can always take profit about 300-600 pips/week.
Now, my problem is that this system is not suitable for my daytime (the end of New York session and the majority of Asian Session). I wish I can scalp some pips during my daytime. I tried a lot methods and none of them work.
No matter how hard I try, I fail. Can someone teach me a scalp system during quiet market? I can give you my system. Please feel free contact me.