If you are struggling with your trades and losing money, you may not need to change everything. Just simple common mistakes that you are not seeing through the frustration. Don't buy a system or trade picks. Get better. We can help
For $25 we will review one month of your trades looking for patterns of mistakes , excessive trading and other bad habits you may not notice. Stop issues? You might be missing a structural issue in your plan. We also offer a years review for $99. With either plan you will receive a clear and concise report that details issues we see in your trading. The review is done by a twenty year market professional. An inexpensive way to get a pro view and get on track
Send an email to tompkinscontent@gmail.com stating the plan you want. We will send you a PayPal invoice and instructions on emailing your trade blotter(or downloaded file) for review.
Review by Bob Tompkins and staff , former thestreet.com contributor. Market pro since 1995. President of Trader's Bay Partners. Safe and confidential.
Check out https://fxblend.wordpress.com/ for free articles.
For $25 we will review one month of your trades looking for patterns of mistakes , excessive trading and other bad habits you may not notice. Stop issues? You might be missing a structural issue in your plan. We also offer a years review for $99. With either plan you will receive a clear and concise report that details issues we see in your trading. The review is done by a twenty year market professional. An inexpensive way to get a pro view and get on track
Send an email to tompkinscontent@gmail.com stating the plan you want. We will send you a PayPal invoice and instructions on emailing your trade blotter(or downloaded file) for review.
Review by Bob Tompkins and staff , former thestreet.com contributor. Market pro since 1995. President of Trader's Bay Partners. Safe and confidential.
Check out https://fxblend.wordpress.com/ for free articles.