Selling Nial Fuller & Chris Capre's course at more than half the original price


Aug 29, 2016
Hi guys, I bought 2 courses when I started trading forex. I needed a mentor and an online course where I can be guided to be a profitable forex trader. I'm glad I made the right choice to bought Nial Fuller and Chris Capre course. In short 3 months, I began to trade with 5% and above consistent profit. Now that I've learnt everything from the course I bought, I plan to sell this course to anyone who are interested in buying this amazing course but has not much capital to buy yet. Therefore I'm selling this course at more than half of the original price. Chris capre's Advanced Price Action selling at $699 and I'm letting go my membership at $300. Nial fuller Price Action Course selling at $499 and willing to let go of my membership at $100. For those who are interested and want to know more about the course, please email me at fiverrbusiness@outlook.c*m. Thanks!

PS: Only one person will be able to access the course. First come first serve basis.