Let’s make the market move in our favor


Jul 6, 2012
Topic: Synchronized Trade Proposal.

Aim: To arrange for multiple traders to open positions simultaneously, so as to push the market in a favorable direction.

Fact: Due to the sheer unpredictable nature of the FX market, over 95% of individual traders consistently lose money.

Hi guys,

If you are reading this I’m lead to make two assumptions:

• The first is that you love trading Forex as much as I do.
• The second is that perhaps you have yet to find a trading system which yields consistently good results.

Before going into further detail, I would like to draw your attention to the effect that over buying/over selling has on the market. If too many units of EUR/USD are bought at around the same time, the Euro rises and the Dollar falls. The same is true in reverse and applies to all currency pairs.

Ok. So based on the above and the fact that up to 8 million people initiate FX trades every day, the proposal is:
That we, the average retail traders of the world, start working together - rather than randomly - and ultimately against each other.

Have you ever heard the theory that claims: If everyone in China were to jump off a chair at once, it would cause a tsunami that would engulf the west coast of America? Well I have zero supporting evidence for this.
What I can tell you for sure though, is that if a central bank can intervene, throw 5 billion at the market and elicit a 200+ pip surge... Then there’s absolutely no reason why we can’t make some movement of our own.

I will interpret the fact that you’re still reading as potential interest, and so listed below are the bones of the proposal:

> Goal: Collaborate the efforts of 100,000 - 250,000 traders from around the world, in order to execute synchronized trades with predictable outcomes
>Currency Pair: (TBC)
> Time & Date: (TBC)
> Entry: (TBC)
> Frequency: Once a week initially
> Target for Accumulated Trade Size: 8 - 12 billion units
> Pip Target: Dependant on how many units we trade with, and the markets’ susceptibility & volatility on the day. Our aim is 100 pips plus.

So if you would like to get in on these trades, please send me an email and in it write 2 things:

• Confirm your interest in joining us
• State approximately how many units you plan to trade with on the day.

I’ve started a free website to keep everyone up to date. On the following web page I will continuously update both the amount of people interested and the accumulation of capital we intend to trade with: www.stampede.t15.org
Once we have enough commitment, I will set a time and date for our first collaborative trade to take place.

A few points to note:

1. The only requirement to get on board is that you have a live account to trade from, as obviously practice accounts have no effect on the market!

2. While 1 lot (100k) or more would be the optimal amount for each of us to enter our trade with, there is no set minimum, every little counts.

3. It will take a while to get enough people in sync to make the first trade, so please be patient!

4. On ‘the day’ you will all initiate your individual trades as per normal - from whatever Forex account you may have.
I will never, ever ask you to send me any funds or pay any fees. I will also never ask you who your broker is, what your account information is, or for any other kind of personal information for that matter. If anyone claiming to either be me, or associated to me does, please tell them to….off..

So to consolidate the process from start to end:
First, you express your interest and state roughly how much you plan to enter a position with. Then, I take that information and add it to the counters on the website mentioned above. Meanwhile, we wait for enough people to follow. Finally, once that happens, I will post a day and time for our first trade to take place.
I will give plenty of notice beforehand, but please be sure to check our stats on the site often, so as to monitor our progress.

To finalize, I believe the following quote summarizes quite appropriately the logic behind establishing a joint trading venture.

“The possibility that market participants can engage in profitable, yet destabilising behaviour, is now well recognised in academic literature. This literature demonstrates that markets can display herd behaviour, in which participants follow “leaders”, and this can result in overshooting of prices in these markets. This undermines the traditional view that speculation must be stabilising. That view was based on the assumption that profitable speculation must involve buying when the price is low and selling when the price is high. But, in markets characterised by herd behaviour, selling when the price is already low can be profitable if it induces others to follow and thereby cause the price to fall further. The problem may be particularly acute where there are players large enough to exert a noticeable influence on the market.”


Let’s conclude by saying that enough small players in collaboration will be equally, if not more effective than any large players out there.

So get in touch soon, join the herd, and let’s best serve ourselves by serving each other.

– LP

Note to moderation: This post is in no way an advertisement. I’m not selling or offering any product or service. The intention is to collaborate the efforts of forum members, nothing more.