currency pairs

  1. shanmugapradeep

    Currency Pair by Pips Value

    Which currency pair have highest pips value and lowest Pips value per Standard lot. Can anyone help me a list of currency pairs with pips value (High to Low order)
  2. TraderSmith

    Major Currency Pairs Signals and performance By may be a terribly effective active and prospering cluster consists of the globe best forex signals traders to assist you by providing Forex signals or alternative forex commerce ways. Our mission and vision are to supply you the most recent update and secrets that you just can’t...
  3. Enivid

    MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal Build 1870

    Just a few days following the huge Build 1860 update, MetaQuotes has released a major fix version for MT5 - Build 1870. It focuses on correcting the bugs and adding one important feature: Trading symbols (currency pairs) can now be searched by ISIN (International Securities Identification...
  4. Enivid

    What Currency Pairs You Prefer to Trade?

    What currency pairs are your favorites when you trade on Forex? I prefer EUR/USD and GBP/JPY. The first is very popular and thus quite predictable, while GBP/JPY has a very high intraday volatility, which allows earning more pips.