What is SWAP?


Active Trader
Jan 24, 2009
Swap arises due to the overnight interest rates for each currency being different. Since currencies are always traded in pairs, you always need to borrow one currency in order to buy another, so it follows that you have to pay interest on the loan, but you also receive interest on the currency you are holding. If the difference between what you pay and what you receive is positive, then you are eligible for a net swap credit. If the difference is negative, that is if you pay more interest than you receive, then your account will be debited the appropriate swap amount.

Most brokers use interbank overnight rates for their base calculations, update them daily, and then skim a little off the top. Other brokers update their rates only from time to time, and others still don't bother with the idea of swap at all. You will notice a lot of brokers claiming to be swap-free in order to attract Islamic clients who are forbidden from engaging in interest-bearing deals due to religious reasons.

There are also differences between how brokers display swap (i won't get into details here). Most brokers apply swap daily at New York close, and triple the amount on Wednesdays to make up for Saturday and Sunday when there is no trading, but there are exceptions - Oanda being a notable one.

Hope that helps.
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Active Trader
Feb 21, 2009
That is the true Oanda being a notable one. I have look at it before. Anyway that a lot of explanation. Thank you. If any other friend can give the more opinion, please write down here...i need more :)


Active Trader
Mar 11, 2009
in forex every positin involves holding one currency againt a "loan"taken out in another.
Each currency has an assosiated interest rate.
The tarder earns interest on long positions but must pay interest on the short. as i said every forex trade involves going long one and short the other.

the difference between interest earned and paid is a swap.
so if you go long AUDUSD, ur long ozzie, short Dollar. You gain interest on your ausssie holding and pay interest on dollar. Since aussie interest is higher you earn more thn you pay on the dollar resulting in a positive swap charge. the opposite applies if you went short on AUDUSD.

if you have heard of the carry trade, its based on this whole interest rate diffrential. the NZDJPY is a huge carry trade attraction. why? cause jpy is low interest and kiwi is high..

hope that helps your forexx?


Master Trader
Jan 7, 2009
Forex swap definition has already been given to the best of my knowledge. I don't find any further clarification is required. Swaps are mostly used by investors looking to hedge and speculation purpose.


Master Trader
Jan 31, 2009
A trade within the Forex market (a spot trade) is a daily trade. If the position remains open after one work day, it may be charged with the relative interest rate corresponding to that currency pair.


Active Trader
Aug 17, 2010

Well, Swap is an agreement between two people exchanging money in the future. It's known as Virtual memory. It is very useful technique which helps us in many ways. Great information. I am impressed.:)

Ary Barroso

Active Trader
Jul 9, 2017
Can anyone here explain me, what is SWAP? I just know Swap is a debit or credit paid..

I see, you have already got your answer! Personally, I don’t like to use swap account, because it destroys my trading plan, so I needed to make re-plan. Yes, here I am trading with a fixed plan & strategy.
May 15, 2018
Thanks, nice and informative post. I wanna know what is the best Risk/Reward ratio while trading a $1000 account? Can anyone please guide?