These skills are hard to learn after age 30


Master Trader
Apr 17, 2013
What skills are hard to learn after age 30?

This is a great, thought provoking question. I would like to believe that no skill absolutely can’t be learnt once you cross 30, but some things definitely do get harder.

We have two young kids and as I think about the skills we’d like them to learn, those make good examples of things that are harder to pick up post 30.

A new musical instrument

A new language


Riding a bike

Other physically challenging things - example, I am pretty sure I am not going to be a gymnast or figure skater in this lifetime.

Empathy for others

More abstract things:

Your general demeanor and personality traits are hard to change once you get older. For example, if you are an extrovert, post 30 that trait is likely going to stay.

Your appetite for risk taking is probably well formed by this time also and although this can be changed, it likely a non-trivial amount of work.

My dad moved to the US when he was over 60. Prior to that, he had been driving on the left side of the road in India for 30–40 years. He was able to overcome the strong muscle memory associated with driving and learned to drive on the right side of the road in the US within a few months. I think that’s pretty awesome.

With enough will, determination and perseverance I think the human body and spirit is capable of a lot of new learning and change, but in general as you get older there is more inertia to continue the habits you already have, which make big changes harder. Good luck!

Author: Puja Ramani, Quora


Apr 24, 2023
Very nicely put and I agree with your point, but the main thing here is they get more difficult and not impossible, so you can still go about learning and getting better at anything. 30 is not old really.