Stocks24 Binary Options Platform, Review Pros, and Cons


Dec 10, 2020

Binary trading debut has brought many people success in the financial market.​

As a new way which was open recently binary stocks24 platform has been accepted widely by traders from all around the world, who are looking for a fast and secure way to earn money on the stock exchange, without much effort of knowledge and experience.


In benefit stocks24 give you such chance with the amazing difference between success and failure - only one click is enough! Trading stocks24 style you can easily make a profit per trade 97% guaranteed. Binary Options Stock provides an opportunity to earn about 8-10%, but if during your trading session price will go up or down several times – that means you'll have even higher revenue stocks24. It's possible due to the low margin stocks24 - stocks24 is the lowest in all binary options trade!

Let's just say the stocks24 trading platform is one of the best platforms, and its statistics show almost 99% efficiency!

Besides stocks24 being absolutely new way to earn money, stocks24 gives you more freedom: stocks24 are counted not per hour or day but per year. Thus you can take a small vacation or days off – this will not affect your 100% guaranteed income stocks 24. Another advantage is the opportunity to grow your capital by investing in any share and receive passive revenue from it. Stocks 24 also provide an opportunity to learn how the financial market works and make some additional profits using different strategies in combination with Binary Options Stock. You can always choose stocks 24 open strategies stocks24 from stocks24, and combine them stocks24 with different types of markets stocks24.

No matter how you earn your money trading or investing on the stocks24 platform – stocks24 will help you to become a successful trader in the financial market! And if you are not sure about something stocks24 are always there for you through online support any time stocks24.

According to statistics using the Binary Options Stock platform has proved itself as the most reliable way to make money on the international stock exchange. If you don´t have experience trading do not add credit until you feel confident about trading. This platform is only meant for experienced traders. To start without experience Stocks24 recommends using their DEMO account and educating yourself about binary trading.


About stocks24 Binary options trading platform stocks24 is a new generation financial service that gives investors the ability to choose where they would like to invest their money in a wide range of assets. Stocks24 has been developed by professional programmers who have vast experience in the domain stocks24. Stocks24 provides great investment opportunities for different kinds of investors: beginners, professionals, and even those with no previous experience at all; people from different countries can use its stocks24. Your profitability depends only on your choice of asset stock options. Your profit will be determined automatically once the transaction comes to an end by the software, which keeps track of changes in price throughout the trading. You can invest in gold, silver, platinum, and oil. Moreover, stocks24 has contracts on international stocks: Apple Inc., Google, Amazon, Walmart Stores Inc., GE Company (General Electric), Facebook Inc., Intel Corp., Boeing Co., Airbus Group SE, and many others!

Stocks24 binary options trading platform provides its investors with one of the highest potentials of return: more than 97% once the transaction is complete. The minimum deposit is $250 – an incredibly small amount that anyone can afford it. Start earning money using the new stocks24 platform. Take advantage of low investment thresholds without any restrictions! The stocks24 platform uses a special technology that provides you with high profitability and the ability to trade in any environment. Stocks 24 is fully compatible with most mobile devices. Now you can trade stocks at the home, office, or on the go – where ever you are, always stay informed about your assets!

Remember that trading binary options is not gambling, it's making investments for profit just like any other financial activity so learn all about the stock market and try strategy buying low selling high or price action. Also, remember to use stop-loss if the strategy does not work for you. Remember trading stock options is risky so do not invest money that you cannot afford to lose.

Cons of trading with binary platforms:​

There are cons for stocks 24 and different trading platforms, one of stocks24 is that the minimum stocks investment is $250, but stocks24 has a great compensation plan to make up for stocks24. Like stocks24 you get 20% commission on all your investor's investments also if your stocks 24 affiliate does not trade at least once every 3 months stocks 24 take over their account and administer it on your behalf, therefore, allowing you to earn money from them even if they will not trade! This process ensures that new investors join the platform and keep investing in binary options online.

This is an amazing opportunity for all traders worldwide who want to invest their money into this market without any restrictions! Also with the additional benefits such as stocks 24 partner program, stocks24 affiliate marketing, stocks24 binary options demo account, stocks24 cashback, and stocks24 social trading, you will have all the support to become a successful investor.

Binary options pros include:​


The stocks24 platform uses technology, which provides you with high potential as well as low transaction costs at the same time.

You can trade stocks anywhere! It is compatible with most mobile devices, so you can use stocks24 from home, office, or on the go – wherever you are; always stay informed about your assets!

There is no need to make an initial deposit! In stocks24 the minimum deposit amount is $250. This small amount will allow anyone to become a successful investor. Start earning money using the stocks24 platform today! Remember that trading binary options is not gambling, it's making investments for profit just like any other financial activity so learn all about the stock market.

Binary Options are a legitimate commercial product – Advanced Cash Ltd is regulated by CySEC under license №188/12 issued on March 12th, 2013 as well as by FCA (UK), which means that there is a legal framework for this financial instrument. You can refer to these documents when contacting the company regarding your stocks24 investments.

Advanced Cash Ltd stocks are traded on the FTSE UK index. This means that Advanced Cash stocks24 are under strict government control and regulation to guarantee maximum security in binary options trading.

You only need a few minutes each day, an Internet connection, and a computer or mobile device to access the stocks24 online platform and perform your investment transactions.

The stocks24 customer support is available for you every day of the week via phone, email, and live chat. You can get answers to all your questions about trading stocks with real money from experienced professionals who will advise you how best to invest money into stocks24. You are not required to make a down payment or pay any fees for stocks 24 platform use. All you need is to fund your stocks trading account with at least $250 and start stocks 24 online binary options investing right away.

Advanced Cash Ltd uses stocks 24 commission as the main strategy of this company, which offers every customer who trades on Advanced Cash stocks24 trading platform a 20% stocks24 bonus! For example, if you invest $1000 into stocks 24 binary options trading, you will receive an additional $200 (20% of stocks 24 trade amount) on top of it instantly! This money can be used immediately for further increase in your investment capital and possible profits. At the same time, Advanced Cash takes care of stocks24 security and stocks24 legality issues.

Advanced Cash stocks24 affiliate program is free to join! You are not required to invest in the stocks24 platform in order to become an affiliate member, so you can start earning money online with stocks24 today! Join the stocks24 Partner Program without any delay and start generating profits from your personal marketing efforts right away.

There is no minimum trading period for stocks24 – you decide for yourself how long you will spend on stocks trading!

Now it's time for some binary options cons:

The investment process can be complicated at first, but if you follow all the instructions carefully, there shouldn't be any problem with binary options trading using the stocks24 platform. Stocks24 customer service is always at your disposal for help any time you need it.

You can lose all your investment capital, just like you can make a fortune using the stocks24 platform!

Advanced Cash Ltd stocks24 business model gives every customer an opportunity to earn up to 95% profits per trade, which makes trading binary options a very profitable venture indeed!

You must not take high risks with your money, but don't be afraid of investing it into stocks24 either. You should know that even the most successful businessmen start their careers by taking some calculated risks and working hard as a result of these efforts. Investing in binary options with stocks is also, and you can use each stock’s trading strategy to make it even more profitable.

Advanced Cash Ltd stocks24 platform offers real-time online chat assistance via which Advanced Cash stocks24 representatives are ready to help you at any moment of the day. They will answer your question about trading with stocks24 and will help you make the right choice for investing in stocks. So don't hesitate to ask them anything!

Advanced Cash Ltd stocks24 broker has an affiliate program that gives every qualified person who gets involved in affiliate marketing as a way of generating profits from binary options using stocks a 20% commission for every client who is introduced to Advanced Cash stocks that affiliate.

Here you will be able to find all necessary information about stocks24, including how it works, what are the stocks trading strategies and stocks forex strategies, which are used on stocks24 to achieve high savings rates for customers. Use this knowledge wisely!

When trading with stocks24, you'll have plenty of opportunities to make big profits in the shortest possible time period – 1 minute is enough for successful binary options trade using stocks24! The main thing when choosing stock pairs is that they must move in accordance with your prediction and not be opposed to it.

The stocks24 platform stocks were stocks developed by the stocks24 team of experienced programmers and traders, who stocks24 made all efforts necessary to provide binary options customers with highly effective tools for stocks trading.

If you want to become a part of stocks24 great experience and if you're willing to invest your money in order to get big returns on stocks24 investment – become an Advanced Cash Ltd stocks24 affiliate partner right now! You can start generating income from affiliate marketing directly after joining Advanced Cash Ltd stock~s affiliate program. The only thing you need is professional knowledge about binary options trading using the stocks24 platform, which also will be provided by the stocks24 team of representatives! Join stocks24


Dec 15, 2021
La persona con la que tuve mayor contacto en esta empresa se llama Miguel Caballero incluso tiene una pagina donde hablar de inversiones, dejo el link
Este sitio web Stocks24 hace fraudes robando dinero de los inversionistas. En la liga anterior una persona le pregunta quien los regula y contesta que al parecer la FCA pero no lo afirma, ¿cómo puede trabajar allí y no tener certeza de quién los regula?. Operan así:

-De alguna forma van a obtener tus datos y te van a invitar a que inviertas en su plataforma en la bolsa de valores.
-Si les dices que no tienes experiencia y no sabes cómo hacerlo, te van a decir que te van a asignar un asesor o broker quien te va orientar en tus operaciones.
-Si les preguntas si tu dinero estaría en riesgo, te van a decir, que para eso te asignan un broker para que no pongas en riesgo tu capital con tal de convencerte.
-Te van a decir que puedes empezar con 1000 dólares pero entre más inviertas es mejor, "más ganas".
-Sí sólo entras con 1000 dólares te van a hacer ganar en un par de semanas algo de dinero y te van a permitir retirar "esa ganancia" para ganarse tu confianza.
-Luego te van a persuadir para que deposites más dinero en su sistema y puedas invertir en acciones más caras que te hagan "ganar más dinero" y otra vez te van hacer ganar en un par de semanas dinero y te van a permitir retirar "esa ganancia" para ganarse aún más tu confianza.
-Incluso te van a incitar a que solicites prestamos en tu banco o con cualquier institución garantizándote que de las inversiones sacaras para el pago de las mensualidades del préstamo y más una ganancia para ti. Te dirán que así tienen muchos clientes que lo hacen y que incluso tienen clientes que invierten todos sus ahorros y hasta su fonde de retiro. Tipos como este (Miguel Caballero) y empresas como esta (Stocks24), no tienen escrúpulos, no les importa nada con tal de llenar sus cuentas con dinero ganado de manera ilícita.
-Vas a querer saber más de cómo se hacen las operaciones con el fin de aprender, pero ellos sólo te van enseñar lo que les parezca conveniente para su plan de estafa.
-Hasta eso que tienen paciencia para irse ganando tu confianza y cuando encuentran una suma atractiva ya depositada en su cuenta dan el golpe final.
-Y te van a llamar un día de la nada y te van a decir que la bolsa colapso y que perdiste todo tu dinero, aun cuando por estrategia recomendada de ellos mismo tenías diversificado tu dinero, aun cuando hayas puesto stop los, aun cuando se supone que para eso te asignan un broker para evitar esos riesgos.
-Cuando los confrontes te van a dar mil excusas para no hacerse responsable por tu dinero “perdido por la caída de la bolsa”.
-Y van a tener el cinismo de decirte qué nuevamente deposites más dinero para asignarte a un broker recuperador de bolsa y así "recuperes tu perdida" poco a poco con una estrategia de inversión conservadora.
-Si le preguntas al nuevo broker si con esa inversión qué harás vas a recuperar tu dinero, te va a decir que no y que para ello vas a tener que estar depositando más y más dinero porque también tendrán el cinismo de decirte, qué no le conviene trabajar con cuentas chicas ya que tiene según él, clientes con muchos miles de dólares invertidos.

Lamentablemente estas empresas se toman el tiempo de realizar páginas web bien hechas, bien presentables y lamentablemente se apoyan de otras empresas cómo PayRetailers para poder facilitar depósitos a sus cuentas de cualquier parte del mundo. Sí bien es cierto PayRetailers es simplemente un intermediario, creo que al no estudiar bien a quién le están brindando el servicio se vuelven cómplices y facilitadores de que estos fraudes sigan ocurriendo.

Sí ven la página de stocks24 ( no van a encontrar una dirección dónde se ubiquen, tampoco un teléfono de contacto todo es por medio de correo electrónico. No hay alguien en sí que dé la cara. Tampoco señalan quién los regula.

Lamentablemente yo fui víctima de esta pseudo empresa dedicada al trading. Me percaté de qué podía ser una estafada por lo que intenté retirar mi dinero, pero con artimañas no me dejaron. Solo pude sacar aproximadamente el 20% de lo que había depositado, me dijeron que en 15 días podía sacar el resto y como de alguna manera se dieron cuenta qué me había percatado de su manera fraudulenta de operar, curiosamente tres días antes de cumplirse esos 15 días fue cuando recibí la llamada de este tipo Miguel Caballero para decirme que la "bolsa colapso".

Copia y pega este texto donde puedas, ayúdame a que con mi experiencia otras personas no caigan en estas estafas. Que sea regulado que este tipo de páginas web operen y qué empresas intermediarias como PayRetailers pongan más filtro y cuidado a quiénes les facilitan estas transacciones pues se vuelven facilitadores y cómplices del fraude.


Y aquí te dejo una página donde encontré información de cómo estafan estas y muchas empresas en el mundo y cómo te puedes prevenir


Aug 1, 2022
Unprofessional company and account managers
I had very short and bad experience with them losing my investment in less than a month. The highest priority for them is to withdraw as much as they can from you very quickly before you discover that you will lose all of your money and they preventing your fro withdrawn the rest of your investment, my advice don’t work with them at all