real traders joking

The mql5 site stinks like a toilet of scams , so the moderator on mql 5 keeps beautiful fresh air images , they fink beautiful pictures = traders jokes

trader jokes = beautiful images
after closing down the notorious forextsd forum of beautiful artistic indicators, the forum failed with trading failures, people who can not trade profitably made new indicators, a new moderator emerged on mql5forum, he posts beautiful pictures in the jokes section.

If you fail at trading, keep making new indicators , they made 500 indicators from 1 simple moving average.
So you make money if your students fail??

educators never lose, rebate educators want their traders to lose , because high spreads cryptocurrencies is a losing game, all crypto traders will inevitably lose, it is more dangerous than forex
So everyone who uses your service will lose and only you will make money?
I trade .I don't sell anything , I am not an internet marketer or a broker's stooge marketing crypto currencies.It was a joke on another education seller.
The charlatan pretending to trend trade, is trying to promote broker's trend trading income, trying to promote bucket shop cryptocurrencies model .He is pretending to trade cryptos paying 10 % spread to volatility, master-trendfollower has education scam artist sites for crypto education. A total scam artist on forums , who only relies on selling education and pretending services for brokers.

master-trendfollower & trend trading failure goes who into hiding , after losing on trend trades , reappears after a trend breaks out to dupe his readers. His patterns are patterns of trend traders, who stop singing about trend trading , in ranging choppy markets, when their trends are failing into ranges.

When questioned about realities of trading , he starts dissappearing. Then re-appears singing about trend trading.
From a trader after a market crash: “The losing trades are long term investments, when I trade I marry the stocks, This is worse than a divorce. I’ve lost half my net worth and I still have a wife.”
"Trading Education scammer Ken Casey post fake reviews on forums and internet sites.They set up their own fake review sites, posting a positive review on supposed trading course he took from himself."
Don't pretend he is ignorant, the two bit scammer goes around using multiple nicks on all the forums trying to peddle his wares and educational courses.

I know, I was just being polite
you are banned by members demanding your immediate ban for the following reasons

1) giving free signals /free signal indicators //all signal sellers are complaining have requested your ban
2) giving free profitable systems // all forum system sellers have requested your ban
3) giving free courses/education on youtube // all forum education sellers have requested your ban


Jul 17, 2018
Everywhere and everything that is connected with money, swindlers are circulating. It is interesting to them not disgusting.