PTMC trading platform


Feb 1, 2017
Hello, traders!
Have you ever heard of PTMC trading platform ( )?


PTMC is a high-performance electronic trading platform based on PFSOFT Protrader technology that allows to analyze and trade FX, CFDs, futures, stocks and options.
Among brokers, you can connect with FXCM, LMAX Exchange, OANDA and Interactive Brokers. Also, such data feeds like Quandl and DTN IQFeed are available. CQG technologies have also been added to PTMC recently. This list is based on traders’ requests, so the more requests, the more probability to add your broker to the list.


How to start?
After you download and install PTMC, you will need to register demo account with any broker from the list (

After receiving Login and Password on your email, you can start using PTMC.
You can start using PTMC for free by activating the trial license.
Also, there are two types of licenses that you can purchase if you want to use PTMC - Multi-asset & Forex – each suitable for specific trading markets and functionality.

If you have any questions and ideas - feel free to speak here or on the PTMC forum ( )

Looking forward for you to join our community!


Feb 1, 2017
Hi there, colleagues!

Good news for you - PTMC has got new connection - Direct FX broker!

It's a reliable financial services company that is regulated and licensed by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC).

This connection offers super fast and stable high quality data from the top liquidity players, which leads to the top execution speed and executable pricing.


Check it out and make some good trades!


Feb 1, 2017
Hi there, colleagues! How is it going?

Why don't we make February to be associated not only with Groundhog day and Valentine's' Day? What about some money bonuses from PTMC?


You can purchase any PTMC License
and get one more month for free. All february long. Sounds good, huh? You just have to do the following:
- deposit your internal balance on the site;
- choose the type of license you need (Forex or Multi Asset);
- purchase the license and get one more month for free!

By the way, you can always open trial license, that will get you 15 days of free using of Multi Asset license.

Celebrate the end of the winter by making good trades with PTMC!


Feb 1, 2017
Colleagues, last week we have updated a PTMC Beta platform with some changes and improvements. Some features have appeared for the first time, some of them were redesigned, and, of course, we have done some fixes. We realize that we are not perfect, but who is? And we do our best every day to become better and better!

So, here are some words about the update:

1) As you already know, connection to CQG provides the possibility to work with any FCM broker and connected with the IB's. In addition to DirectFX we have added AMP Futures! If you have real accounts of this broker - you are free to work with it through PTMC (connect CQG).
Also, we negotiate with Rithmic - worldwide data provider and execution system.


2) Order Flow Surface or the surface of limit orders. It shows changes, that has happened in the DOM. At the moment, we have realized a basic version, which only shows limit orders. We plan to add market orders, icebergs, and orders with different conditions of execution.
Feel free to let us know what you think about that!


3) For option traders we have redesigned our Option Master (Option Desk) to more familiar view. Also, we have added some columns - Greek Rhoe and Option monetary value by the Last price. In the nearest future, we plan to add few more columns and also to allow custom modeling the volatility smile.


4) Added a connection to OANDA V2.0. Now you don't have to write to its support team to connect it to PTMC, the problem is solved. OANDA v.2 connection is available through PTMC.


5) Renewed the design of Drawing panel to make it more compact and easy to use. Also, now this panel can easily be dragged to any side of the Сhart screen.


6) We have added a context menu to fasten the access to the Drawing instruments. What do you think about that?


7) For the traders that are familiar with the C# we have realized our API for integration with any possible brokers and data feeds, which provides their API .to allow the connection.
Here is the example of how can you connect to OANDA 2.0 and what methods and classes to use.

You can test it all on the PTMC Beta, soon we will release it for the Stable version.

And don't forget that PTMC provides free licenses! If you desire to promote us - you will have your license!


Feb 1, 2017
Hi there, traders! Some more good news from PTMC for you!

For sure, in trading it is highly important to know that your finances are protected and you don't have to worry about it's safety. That's why now you can pay for PTMC services through PayPal - one of the best worldwide online payment services.

Our users asked for it a lot, so we couldn't refuse to give you this possibility.
Stay tuned and don't worry for your financial operations with PTMC and PayPal anymore!


Feb 1, 2017
Hello there, traders!

If you plan to use our software for a really long time, or if you don't want to care about your license - we've got something for you!
PTMC provides Lifetime License!

Pay once - and never care about your licensing again!
By the way, if you already own 6 or 12 month license - you can get a lifetime license by paying the price difference. Write to our support team, if interested!


Feb 1, 2017
Greetings, traders!
We are happy to share some news with you!

Check out new update for PTMC trading platform!

Here is how we've updated Gradient Coloring for Order Flow Surface

Platform update notification now looks like that.

And we hope that you'll enjoy new coloring method for Market Depth.


You can learn more about it here: .

Stay tuned! More news are coming soon!


Feb 1, 2017
Greetings, dear traders!

We are happy to share some news about the current update of PTMC Beta to ver. 1.0.141

Added connection to the trusted data feed MetaStock

MetaStock has been providing award-winning charting and analysis tools for the self-directed trader for over 30 years. So, we couldn't resist adding it to the PTMC.
Empower your trading with the data Metastock XENITH. Check out the connection guide and join this great data provider.


Simplified the process of getting a trial license as well as a mechanism for managing licenses

In aim to avoid any delays and for you to be able to start trading via PTMC as fast as it is possible, we have simplified the process of managing trial and purchased licenses.
Automate and customize licensing process not to distract yourself from your prior task - successful trading!

Simultaneous display of Buy&Sell aggregation for Volume Profile was added

Expanding the capabilities and settings of our volumetric tools, we added a simultaneous display of “Buy&Sell volume” for the volume profile. Now on one profile you can see the volume traded by bid and ask, and visually assess which side controls the market.


Volume analysis tools for Forex integrations have become available

After receiving a number of requests, we have managed to add a volume profile for Forex brokers. Volume Profile is an advanced charting study that displays trading activity over a specified time period at specified price levels. The study plots a histogram on the chart meant to reveal dominant and/or significant price levels based on volume. Essentially, Volume Profile takes the total volume traded at a specific price level during the specified time period and divides the total volume into either buy volume or sell volume and then makes that information easily visible to the trader.


New hot buttons for quick order management (for Market Depth, Matrix, Chart)
Check out our next important step in fastening trading process – implementing hot buttons for Charts, Matrix and Market Depths. Now key options of this features could be done in much faster way.

Visual change of chart while hovering over Bars and Candles
Small, but pleasant visual detail, which will help to diversify the process of chart trading: place your mouse on the candle and it will change it's design.

Do you have any wishes or questions to PTMC? Feel free to leave it in this topic or visit our site, where you can ask on Forum or check out Feature Request section.


Feb 1, 2017
Howdy, traders!

We're glad to invite you to subscribe for TNT – Trend in Trading by PTMC!
It is a short set of latest news about hottest trends and newest technologies in the world of trading, sent on a weekly basis.
If you want to have it on your email, please complete the form in this article with your email and wait for nex Thursday!