Hello, Currently i am coding a news filter EA and having some errors.
Errors :

#import "urlmon.dll" int URLDownloadToFileW(int pCaller,string szURL,string szFileName,int dwReserved,int Callback); #import #define INAME "FFCPing"+_Symbol #define TITLE 0 #define COUNTRY 1 #define DATE 2 #define TIME 3 #define IMPACT 4 #define FORECAST 5 #define PREVIOUS 6 input string NewsFilter="***NEWS FILTER***"; //******** NEWS FILTER ****** input int ReCheckMinutes = 120; //. Minutes to re-check calendar input bool news_High =true; //. Use High News Filter input bool News_High_Line =true; //. Use High news line (Red Line) input int minBefore =720; //. Minutes Before High impact News input int minAfter =360; //. Minutes After High impact News input bool news_Medium =false; //. Use Medium News Filter input bool News_Medium_Line =false; //. Use Medium news line (Orange Line) input int minBefore1 =60; //. Minutes Before Medium impact News input int minAfter1 =60; //. Minutes After Medium impact News input bool news_Low =false; //. Use Low News Filter input bool News_Low_Line =false; //. Use Low news line (Yellow Line) input int minBefore2 =30; //. Minutes Before Low impact News input int minAfter2 =30; //. Minutes After Low impact News string News_Trade_Status = "Undefined"; string NewsURLChecking = "Undefined"; string XMLUpdateTime; string XMLReadTime; string XMLDownloadTime; int OnInit() { //--- get today time TimeOfDay=(int)TimeLocal()%86400; Midnight=TimeLocal()-TimeOfDay; //--- set xml file name ffcal_week_this (fixed name) xmlFileName=INAME+"-ffcal_week_this.xml"; //--- checks the existence of the file. if(!FileIsExist(xmlFileName)) { xmlDownload(); xmlRead(); Print("XML File downloaded and Reading"); } //--- else just read it else { xmlRead(); Print("XML File Reading"); } //--- get last modification time xmlModifed=(datetime)FileGetInteger(xmlFileName,FILE_MODIFY_DATE,false); //--- check for updates if(FileIsExist(xmlFileName)) { if(xmlModifed<TimeLocal()-(ReCheckMinutes * 60)) { Print(INAME+": xml file is out of date - Updating New"); xmlUpdate(); } //--- set timer to update old xml file every x hours EventSetTimer(ReCheckMinutes * 60); } assignVal=true; return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } int deinit() { ObjectsDeleteAll(0,"h_",-1,-1); ObjectsDeleteAll(0,"Tr_",-1,-1); return (0); } Void OnTick() { icomment(); if(!isNewsPause(_Symbol,0)) { News_Trade_Status = "Active"; } else { News_Trade_Status = "Paused"; } } void OnTimer() { assignVal=true; Print(INAME+": xml file is out of date"); xmlUpdate(); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Create the Verticle line | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool VLineCreate(const long chart_ID=0, // chart's ID const string name="VLine", // line name const int sub_window=0, // subwindow index datetime time=0, // line time const color clr=clrBlue, // line color const ENUM_LINE_STYLE style=STYLE_SOLID, // line style const int width=1, // line width const bool back=false, // in the background const bool selection=false, // highlight to move const bool hidden=true, // hidden in the object list const long z_order=0) // priority for mouse click { //--- create a vertical line if(!ObjectCreate(chart_ID,name,OBJ_VLINE,sub_window,time,0)) { return(false); } //--- set line color ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_COLOR,clr); //--- set line display style ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_STYLE,style); //--- set line width ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_WIDTH,width); //--- display in the foreground (false) or background (true) ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_BACK,back); //--- enable (true) or disable (false) the mode of moving the line by mouse //--- when creating a graphical object using ObjectCreate function, the object cannot be //--- highlighted and moved by default. Inside this method, selection parameter //--- is true by default making it possible to highlight and move the object ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_SELECTABLE,selection); ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_SELECTED,selection); //--- hide (true) or display (false) graphical object name in the object list ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_HIDDEN,hidden); //--- set the priority for receiving the event of a mouse click in the chart ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_ZORDER,z_order); //--- successful execution return(true); } void xmlDownload() { Sleep(3000); //--- ResetLastError(); string cookie=NULL, headers; string reqheaders="User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\n"; char post[],result[]; int res; string url="http://nfs.faireconomy.media/ff_calendar_thisweek.xml"; ResetLastError(); int timeout=5000; res=WebRequest("GET",url,reqheaders,timeout,post,result,headers); if(res==-1) { Print("Error in WebRequest. Error code =",GetLastError()); //--- Perhaps the URL is not listed, display a message about the necessity to add the address MessageBox("Add the address '"+url+"' in the list of allowed URLs on tab 'Expert Advisors'","Error",MB_ICONINFORMATION); NewsURLChecking = "Not Added"; } else { //--- Load successfully NewsURLChecking = "Added"; XMLDownloadTime = TimeToString(TimeLocal()); PrintFormat("The file has been successfully loaded, File size =%d bytes.",ArraySize(result)); //--- Save the data to a file int filehandle=FileOpen(xmlFileName,FILE_WRITE|FILE_BIN); //--- Checking errors if(filehandle!=INVALID_HANDLE) { //--- Save the contents of the result[] array to a file FileWriteArray(filehandle,result,0,ArraySize(result)); //--- Close the file FileClose(filehandle); } else Print("Error in FileOpen. Error code=",GetLastError()); } //--- } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Read the XML file | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void xmlRead() { //--- ResetLastError(); sData=""; ulong pos[]; int size_; Print("Reading file"); int FileHandle=FileOpen(xmlFileName,FILE_READ|FILE_BIN|FILE_ANSI); if(FileHandle!=INVALID_HANDLE) { //--- receive the file size ulong size=FileSize(FileHandle); //--- read data from the file while(!FileIsEnding(FileHandle)) sData=FileReadString(FileHandle,(int)size); //--- close FileClose(FileHandle); } //--- check for errors else PrintFormat(INAME+": failed to open %s file, Error code = %d",xmlFileName,GetLastError()); Print("Done."); XMLReadTime = TimeToString(TimeLocal()); //--- } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Check for update XML | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void xmlUpdate() { Sleep(3000); //--- do not download on saturday if(TimeDayOfWeek(Midnight)==6) return; else { Print(INAME+": check for updates..."); Print(INAME+": delete old file"); FileDelete(xmlFileName); xmlDownload(); xmlRead(); xmlModifed=(datetime)FileGetInteger(xmlFileName,FILE_MODIFY_DATE,false); PrintFormat(INAME+": updated successfully! last modified: %s",(string)xmlModifed); XMLUpdateTime = TimeToString(TimeLocal()); } //--- } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Converts ff time & date into yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm - by deVries | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string MakeDateTime(string strDate,string strTime) { //--- int n1stDash=StringFind(strDate, "-"); int n2ndDash=StringFind(strDate, "-", n1stDash+1); string strMonth=StringSubstr(strDate,0,2); string strDay=StringSubstr(strDate,3,2); string strYear=StringSubstr(strDate,6,4); string tempStr[]; StringSplit(strTime,StringGetCharacter(":",0),tempStr); int nTimeColonPos=StringFind(strTime,":"); string strHour=tempStr[0]; string strMinute=StringSubstr(tempStr[1],0,2); string strAM_PM=StringSubstr(tempStr[1],2,2); int nHour24=StringToInteger(strHour); if((strAM_PM=="pm" || strAM_PM=="PM") && nHour24!=12) nHour24+=12; if((strAM_PM=="am" || strAM_PM=="AM") && nHour24==12) nHour24=0; string strHourPad=""; if(nHour24<10) strHourPad="0"; return((strYear+"."+strMonth+"."+strDay+" "+strHourPad+nHour24+":"+strMinute)); //--- } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Convert day of the week to text | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string DayToStr(datetime time) { int ThisDay=TimeDayOfWeek(time); string day=""; switch(ThisDay) { case 0: day="Sun"; break; case 1: day="Mon"; break; case 2: day="Tue"; break; case 3: day="Wed"; break; case 4: day="Thu"; break; case 5: day="Fri"; break; case 6: day="Sat"; break; } return(day); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Convert months to text | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string MonthToStr() { int ThisMonth=Month(); string month=""; switch(ThisMonth) { case 1: month="Jan"; break; case 2: month="Feb"; break; case 3: month="Mar"; break; case 4: month="Apr"; break; case 5: month="May"; break; case 6: month="Jun"; break; case 7: month="Jul"; break; case 8: month="Aug"; break; case 9: month="Sep"; break; case 10: month="Oct"; break; case 11: month="Nov"; break; case 12: month="Dec"; break; } return(month); } string nextNews="..."; int total=0; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int UpcomingNewsImpact(string symb,int n) { nextNews="..."; string MainSymbol=StringSubstr(symb,0,3); string SecondSymbol=StringSubstr(symb,3,3); //--- if(assignVal) { //--- BY AUTHORS WITH SOME MODIFICATIONS //--- define the XML Tags, Vars string sTags[7]= {"<title>","<country>","<date><![CDATA[","<time><![CDATA[","<impact><![CDATA[","<forecast><![CDATA[","<previous><![CDATA["}; string eTags[7]= {"</title>","</country>","]]></date>","]]></time>","]]></impact>","]]></forecast>","]]></previous>"}; int index=0; int next=-1; int BoEvent=0,begin=0,end=0; string myEvent=""; //--- Minutes calculation datetime EventTime=0; int EventMinute=0; //--- split the currencies into the two parts //--- loop to get the data from xml tags while(true) { BoEvent=StringFind(sData,"<event>",BoEvent); if(BoEvent==-1) break; BoEvent+=7; next=StringFind(sData,"</event>",BoEvent); if(next == -1) break; myEvent = StringSubstr(sData,BoEvent,next-BoEvent); BoEvent = next; begin=0; for(int i=0; i<7; i++) { Event[index][i]=""; next=StringFind(myEvent,sTags[i],begin); //--- Within this event, if tag not found, then it must be missing; skip it if(next==-1) continue; else { //--- We must have found the sTag okay... //--- Advance past the start tag begin=next+StringLen(sTags[i]); end=StringFind(myEvent,eTags[i],begin); //---Find start of end tag and Get data between start and end tag if(end>begin && end!=-1) Event[index][i]=StringSubstr(myEvent,begin,end-begin); } } //--- filters that define whether we want to skip this particular currencies or events //if(!IsCurrency(Event[index][COUNTRY])) //continue; /*if(importance!=0 && Event[index][IMPACT]=="High") continue; if(importance!=1 && Event[index][IMPACT]=="Medium") continue; if(importance!=2 && Event[index][IMPACT]=="Low") continue; if(!IncludeSpeaks && StringFind(Event[index][TITLE],"Speaks")!=-1) continue; if(!IncludeHolidays && Event[index][IMPACT]=="Holiday") continue;*/ if(Event[index][TIME]=="Tentative" || Event[index][TIME]=="") continue; //--- sometimes they forget to remove the tags :) if(StringFind(Event[index][TITLE],"<![CDATA[")!=-1) StringReplace(Event[index][TITLE],"<![CDATA[",""); if(StringFind(Event[index][TITLE],"]]>")!=-1) StringReplace(Event[index][TITLE],"]]>",""); if(StringFind(Event[index][TITLE],"]]>")!=-1) StringReplace(Event[index][TITLE],"]]>",""); //--- if(StringFind(Event[index][FORECAST],"<")!=-1) StringReplace(Event[index][FORECAST],"<",""); if(StringFind(Event[index][PREVIOUS],"<")!=-1) StringReplace(Event[index][PREVIOUS],"<",""); //--- set some values (dashes) if empty if(Event[index][FORECAST]=="") Event[index][FORECAST]="---"; if(Event[index][PREVIOUS]=="") Event[index][PREVIOUS]="---"; //--- Convert Event time to MT4 time string evD=MakeDateTime(Event[index][DATE],Event[index][TIME]); EventTime=datetime(evD); index++; } //--- loop to set arrays/buffers that uses to draw objects and alert for(int ii=0; ii<index; ii++) { if(Event[index][TIME]=="All Day" && Event[ii][IMPACT]=="Holiday" && (MainSymbol==Event[ii][COUNTRY] || SecondSymbol==Event[ii][COUNTRY])) return 1; eTitle[i][n] = Event[ii][TITLE]; eCountry[ii][n] = Event[ii][COUNTRY]; eImpact[ii][n] = Event[ii][IMPACT]; eTime[ii][n] = datetime(MakeDateTime(Event[ii][DATE],Event[ii][TIME]))-TimeGMTOffset(); //Print(eTitle[i]); } total=index; } datetime tn=TimeCurrent(); for(int qi=0; qi<total; qi++) { if(MainSymbol!=eCountry[qi][n] && SecondSymbol!=eCountry[qi][n]) continue; if(news_High && (eImpact[qi][n]=="High")) { if(News_High_Line) { VLineCreate(0,"Tr_VLine"+TimeToString(eTime[qi][n]),0,eTime[qi][n],clrRed,STYLE_SOLID); TextCreate(0,"Text"+eTitle[i][n],0,eTime[qi][n],0,eTitle[i][n],clrRed); } } if(news_Medium && (eImpact[qi][n]=="Medium")) { if(News_Medium_Line) VLineCreate(0,"Tr_VLine"+TimeToString(eTime[qi][n]),0,eTime[qi][n],clrOrange,STYLE_SOLID); } if(news_Low && (eImpact[qi][n]=="Low")) { if(News_Low_Line) VLineCreate(0,"Tr_VLine"+TimeToString(eTime[qi][n]),0,eTime[qi][n],clrYellow,STYLE_SOLID); } if(news_High && (eImpact[qi][n]=="High") && eTime[qi][n]<(tn+minAfter*60) && eTime[qi][n]>(tn-minBefore*60)) { return 1; if(News_High_Line) VLineCreate(0,"Tr_VLine"+TimeToString(eTime[qi][n]),0,eTime[qi][n],clrRed,STYLE_SOLID); } if(news_Medium && (eImpact[qi][n]=="Medium") && eTime[qi][n]<(tn+minAfter1*60) && eTime[qi][n]>(tn-minBefore1*60)) { return 1; if(News_Medium_Line) VLineCreate(0,"Tr_VLine"+TimeToString(eTime[qi][n]),0,eTime[qi][n],clrOrange,STYLE_SOLID); } if(news_Low && (eImpact[i][n]=="Low") && eTime[i][n]<(tn+minAfter2*60) && eTime[qi][n]>(tn-minBefore2*60)) { return 1; if(News_Low_Line) VLineCreate(0,"Tr_VLine"+TimeToString(eTime[qi][n]),0,eTime[qi][n],clrYellow,STYLE_SOLID); } } return(-1); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| NEWS Values | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool isNewsPause(string Symb,int n) { bool res=false; res=(UpcomingNewsImpact(Symb,n)==1); return res; } void icomment() { string CommentPartOne = " ---------------------------------------------" "\n ------------------------------------------------" "\n :: News Status : " + News_Trade_Status + "\n :: nfs.faireconomy.media : " + NewsURLChecking + "\n :: Last News Downloaded : " + XMLDownloadTime + "\n :: Last News Checked : " + XMLReadTime + "\n :: Last News Updated : " + XMLUpdateTime + "\n ------------------------------------------------", Comment(CommentPartOne); }
Errors :
- The function !isNewsPause(_Symbol, 0) is not functioning properly. It should work like this: X minutes before news and X minutes after news = paused. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not.
- If I provide values greater than 800 minutes (13 hours) for Min_before or Min_after, all the news lines are automatically disabled, and the news filter does not function.
- These vertical lines indicate news and display the time label of the news below. I am trying to create a new similar label above, which shows the news title (e.g., FOMC, NFP, etc.). Refer to the example screenshot.