I want to set an input parameter using INI file. For a single symbol it works find but I want to use it for multi-currency purpose. Here's the code that I use,
INI file content:
What I want to do is something like this:
How can I do that?
I want to set an input parameter using INI file. For a single symbol it works find but I want to use it for multi-currency purpose. Here's the code that I use,
input string InpSettingsFile = "Lybra/Test/external file.ini"; //input file name, blank = not used int StoplossPoint, TakeProfitPoint; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Script program start function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnStart() { //--- if(LoadFileMultiCurrency()) { Print("stoploss point: ", StoplossPoint); Print("take profit point: ", TakeProfitPoint); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool LoadFileMultiCurrency() { bool result = false; //for(int SymbolLoop=0; SymbolLoop < NumberOfTradeableSymbols; SymbolLoop++) { if(InpSettingsFile == "") return result; if(!FileIsExist(InpSettingsFile)) return result; static long lastModDate = 0; long modDate = FileGetInteger(InpSettingsFile, FILE_MODIFY_DATE); if(modDate == lastModDate) return (result); lastModDate = modDate; string key = ""; string svalue = ""; string line = ""; string parts[]; int handle = FileOpen(InpSettingsFile, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_TXT | FILE_ANSI); if(handle == INVALID_HANDLE) return (result); FileSeek(handle, 0, SEEK_SET); while(!FileIsEnding(handle)) { line = FileReadString(handle); StringSplit(line, '=', parts); key = ""; svalue = ""; int size = ArraySize(parts); if(size > 0) key = parts[0]; if(size > 1) svalue = parts[1]; StringToLower(key); //evaluate the inputs if(key == "stoplosspoint") result |= SetValue(StoplossPoint, (int) StringToInteger(svalue)); if(key == "takeprofitpoint") result |= SetValue(TakeProfitPoint, (int) StringToInteger(svalue)); } FileClose(handle); return(result); } template <typename T> bool SetValue(T& currentValue, T newValue) { if(currentValue != newValue) { currentValue = newValue; return (true); } return (false); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
INI file content:
StoplossPoint=40 TakeProfitPoint=40
What I want to do is something like this:
[EURUSD] StoplossPoint=40 TakeProfitPoint=40 [USDJPY] StoplossPoint=40 TakeProfitPoint=40 [EURCAD] StoplossPoint=40 TakeProfitPoint=40
How can I do that?
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