How Consistently Profit in Forex Trading - Can Be Profits Minimum 30 Pips a Day

Mar 28, 2015
Hello traders how are you? Today I will share knowledge to you everything about how to profit in forex trading continuously.

For people who learning forex trading, would certainly want as quickly as possible to be successful in the forex business. Each month can have many regular income. Can Be profit continuously so that your trading account continues to grow much from day to day, week to week and month to month.

But ... in fact more than 90% of new traders fails in forex trading. Their Account depleted only within months, within weeks, even just in days. Not only beginner traders, there are many traders who have for years familiar with forex still not be able to profit consistently.

To build a profitable trading system is not easy. It takes experience, patience, testing (trial and error) repetitive, continuous evaluation and certainly a strong commitment to succeed. Currently I have successfully created a trading system that can profit consistently. And the good news I will share this system for you in this forum for free. The system that I use I call "Swing London Session Forex Trading Strategies".

London Swing Session is a trading strategy that utilizes the natural movement of the forex market. Price movements in the forex up and down shaping price swings called as SWING. Swing London Session strategy take profits from every swing that happens. Open BUY when the price will shape swing-up and Open SELL when the price will shape swing-down. Target profit each transaction ranges from 20-30 pips. This target can be above 30 pips if you get a very long swing.

Because I am still new in this forum, I will not leave the youtube link about "Swing London Strategy, in this forum, if I do it, I will flag by spam and may be i will be band by the owner of this forum

For people who Interested to learn the strategi, please email me at - - I will send to you Video About "London Session Forex Swing Trading Strategies" that have already uploaded on youtube. The total duration of video approximately 4.5 hours and is divided into 21 video.


Active Trader
Jun 7, 2013
Its a dream of every trader to make consistent profit but most of the traders do fail in the market. Its very hard, as there are so many factors that effect market movement.


Confirmed HotForex Representative
Oct 24, 2013
Actually it's quite difficult to make 30 pips a day consistently at least it is difficult with the adopted MM strategies, when losing trading day should be left away, not trying to revenge it to stick to daily profit plan, because greed always ruins any strategy.