fake education webinars by broker's quacks

I regularly get emails from brokers, about the free webinars being give by brokers.

I listened to one of them , and realized brokers use charlatan clowns to brainwash new traders with fake education. The broker's webinar was rubbish , it was presented by a quack . The broker's stooge suffers from the dunning Kruger effect.

In the field of psychology, the DunningKruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The broker's people believe they are smart , when in reality they are dumb.

What do you say to all these fake educators and pretenders on broker's forums?

People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living i.e trading , while people who are not able to do anything that well , that is trading, make a living by teaching trading . (Used to disparage teachers. From George Bernard Shaw's Man and Superman.) Bob: I'm so discouraged. My writing teacher told me my novel is hopeless.


Ary Barroso

Active Trader
Jul 9, 2017
Personally I always avoid this kind of educational offers! Since, I have seen they are mainly offering very basic; not useful to me.


Dec 23, 2018
You will find a lot of fake things on the forex market such as fake brokers, fake tutors, fake mentors, etc. You need to keep yourself safe as you are the only one who will care for your losses. No one else would help you and world does not help losers. Thanks