Brexit: Is it only a stepdown or a meltdown?

Walid Salah Eldin

Master Trader
Feb 15, 2016
First, we should fully respect the British choice which came as a results of the voters' beliefs. These voters may not economic specialists or markets specialists but they are specialists in their benefits.
The split was not also an accident. it has been the normal ending of series of exceptional situations of UK which could not find a way to lead the EU.
So, its choice to have always special case in EU was always its way to live in EU.
It was not the refugees matter only, the sterling, the financial policies, The EU leaders nominations or... it was really the normal ending of UK membership in EU.
But now after UK has said its word, the turn now is on EU. I wait now to hear from Merkel and Hollande that "it is to be strong EU or not to be".
I want to hear from them that we will go on strongly and the days will prove that we are right and our will to be united is vital for us all and it is not the end of EU to watch UK out of it.
Building on these beliefs can prevent financial meltdown in EU markets and also other related markets and can also reinforce the EU political situation which is facing critical period, After losing EU.
The political reaction is very important at this moment after ending of long period of watching, while any monetary or financial action can only be temporary.
France which has direct trade lines with UK can face now considerable negative economic implications because of the Brexit, while Germany can find no way but to give more concessions to lead EU economically.
While UK finds itself in an early stage to initiate policies of its new trade relationships with EU and other farer parts of the world on its new control to keep its factories running competing EU.
It's a thing as it is easy as it is complicated for UK.

Anyway, I wait to hear from Merkel and Hollande, before predicting anything.

Walid Salah Eldin
Global Market Strategist of FX-Recommends[URL deleted]
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