594% Real Gain On Gold! [Proof]


Master Trader
Mar 26, 2011
In the past days I sent you some reports from the guys over at the
commoditycode, the Forex inspired trade robot that trades oil, silver
and gold.

We saw 73 % true money gain on oil.
194% real cash gain on silver..

and I thought that was already awesome since its real cash.. but gold
as steve told me over our frequent calls....

...well gold throws it just out of the ballpark!

==> http://promo.marines1.ambr-100.digibank24.de/

594% gain.. are you KIDDING ME?

They made like 600k usd... thats 3 brand new lamborghinis.. on gold alone.

==> http://promo.marines1.ambr-100.digibank24.de/

Today is the last proof report day and as far as I can see the very
last chance to enter the competition for a copy of this software.

I know i told you about it already but you just have to take this
chance.. sign up and unsbuscribe on the 17th of July if you didnt win.
No loss just potential gain :)

I am excited.. can`t wait whats coming next...

I get frequent mails asking what is the minimum capital needed to
use this fx robot.. First of all I dont know how many licenses they
will put out so don`t get your hopes up just yet... However Steve
told me that 100 usd is enough to get started...

SO for everyone to clear this once and for all..

100 USD minimum capital needed. One hundred bucks only :)