100+ trading systems on one platform - minimum 100 percent per year


Apr 23, 2018
Hello there,

sometimes I have to laugh when reading the posts here. Why do you always believe that trading in a small account of $ 500 will make you a millionaire in a year? Of course everyone wants a lot of money but if it were that easy there would be millions of trading millionaires.

But I do not know many of them. Another aspect is that banks or asset managers have so much money and know-how that they can hire the best minds and programmers to pull the money on their side. But that is not the case.

In my experience, trading is a game of probabilities that you can win in the long run. But that includes discipline and perseverance. One platform I found that offers trading like banks and hedgefond (but only with currencies) is www.plentytrade.com. It's about long-term investment.
You can choose from over 100 ready-made systems 10 and then let them trade in your account.

I like the idea behind it and that they do not promise as much as thousands of other websites. But fast money always sounds more interesting than long-term success.

Best regards