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  1. T

    Demo Account vs. Real Account

    Right! our psychology and emotions makes a huge difference between demo and live account.
  2. T

    Can you write your success stories with Forex here?

    I am swinging in between sometimes i am in profit while sometimes i am in loss. I think i need more experience to bring consistency in my results.
  3. T

    Why people have big loses in trade?

    Loss is the inevitable part of trading but huge losses are result of poor risk management.
  4. T

    How useful are forex forums for you?

    Though today everything is available on google but still you can get on forex forums what you can't get on google.
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    Some Timely Trading Jokes

    This is very funny:D
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    Which Currency Pair Do You Trade?

    I trade EUR/USD, USD/JPY & USD/CAD.
  7. T

    Is Trading Success depends on Plan and Patience?

    Though success in trading depends on several other factors also but yes a good trading plan and patience are very important to become successful.
  8. T

    Common mistakes in trading

    Well said, leverage is not a killer if you how to manage your risk properly.
  9. T

    Two possibilities to earn on Forex

    Right we can earn money in this way also, but in this way you are doing the marketing of that particular broker. Only do this if you are satisfied with your broker, else your greed could be fatal for other traders.
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    Is Forex stressful?

    Definitely Forex is stressful. The reality is stress came in action automatically whenever your hard earned money is on stake. Then either it is Forex or anything else.
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    Top Forex Forums please?

    Forexfactory is the best Forum to watch upcoming economic events (it is my personal opinion).
  12. T

    What is Forex ?

    Forex is an amazing world and the most traded market with around some trillions of trading volume dollar per day. And millions of people join Forex every year in the hope of making huge profits. But the sad reality is most of them quit trading very soon and only few got success.
  13. T

    Top Forex Forums please?

    I agree with you Babypips is the best platform for learning, for upcoming economic events you can checkout the Forexfactory and also Bloomberg economic calendar(specially for US).
  14. T

    Importance of Demo Accounts

    Demo account is like a testing laboratory for the traders. You can test any kind of trading strategy without even spending a single penny. for novice traders it is like a boon, spend enough time on demo before jumping in the real trading world.
  15. T

    Can Forex help you build a lifetime career?

    Definitely, i have seen few people who left their full time job for Forex. But this doesn't happen overnight it takes time, patience and dedication.