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  1. B

    Are You Disappointed in Trading?

    Yeah, as a Newbies, we can be disappointed in Forex Trading. There are many things that we need to learn and as time passes, we get more and more experienced and hence earn more profit.
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    Importance of Demo Accounts

    Demo Trading is the best way to learn about the Forex, but only if you take it seriously, like it is the real trading.
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    Are You Disappointed in Trading?

    No one can predict the market correctly each and everytime, and it is never needed, you just need to earn more profits than the loss we incur, while trading and that's it.
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    Importance of Demo Accounts

    Yeah, and after much Demo practice also, we shouldn't think that we know all, we should start with small investments and then increase our investments as the time goes by.
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    Are You Disappointed in Trading?

    Whenever we feel disappointed, it is better to take a break than to continue as we can lose a lot like this.
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    Importance of Demo Accounts

    Yeah, we cannot just enter and start trading, we need to have lots of knowledge and experience and skills to become successful in Forex Trading.
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    Importance of Demo Accounts

    Demo experience is necessary not only for the Fore Knowledge, but also to get a basic idea to learn the process of Forex Trading.
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    Are You Disappointed in Trading?

    I have never been disappointed in Forex Trading, when I lose, I just try to recover it with next trade and keep my cool.
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    Are You Disappointed in Trading?

    Yeah, here risk is equal to money, you need to understand that if you wanna become successful, you need to take risk.
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    Importance of Demo Accounts

    Demo is the best way to obtain knowledge regarding the Forex Trading, but only if you are serious enough while Demo Trading.
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    Importance of Demo Accounts

    Yeah, Demo would be the best way to learn about the Forex Trading, you need to understand that if you wanna become successful, you need to have enough practice before trading with Forex.
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    Are You Disappointed in Trading?

    I am never disappointed in Forex Trading, but would like to improve more and more as the time pass and become a successful trader.
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    Importance of Demo Accounts

    Yes, you are right, every trader should do Demo before entering the market, it helps a lot to learn about the real scenario of Forex Market.
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    Are You Disappointed in Trading?

    Demo is only useful if you take it seriously, like you may not lose the money, but you worry like you are losing and than the Demo will earn you the knowledge which is required to trade.
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    Hello to every one

    Yeah, you need to do lots of research first and then select the broker who is appropriate for you, and than you could become successful in Forex Trading.
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    Are You Disappointed in Trading?

    Yeah, that is the also way to learn about the Forex Trading, other than Demo. We could have a better experience in the Forex Trading, by learning through that strategy.
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    Importance of Demo Accounts

    Yeah, it is the best way to have knowledge and experience and skills that we need to become successful in Forex Trading.
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    Are You Disappointed in Trading?

    Demo Trading is the best way to attain knowledge about the Forex Trading, as it doesn't includes the risk of losing money.
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    Importance of Demo Accounts

    Yeah, Demo would be the best to get a picture of the real trading. You need to remember that if you wanna become successful, you need to take it seriously.
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    Are You Disappointed in Trading?

    Many newbies are disappointed with their tradings, as they are not having much practice before getting into real trading. You need to remember that if you wanna become successful you need to have lots of practice.