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  1. J

    mistakes to learn from

    The worst mistake is to keep all your eggs in a single basket. A good trader always uses more than one currency pair and a couple of strong base currencies to trade well. Otherwise, you might lose too much too soon!
  2. J

    EUR/GBP registers best weekly performance since October

    Hopefully this currency pair will rise above the bad situation it has been pushed into courtesy the stock market crash.
  3. J

    Greece issues

    The bailout package has succeeded in stemming the riots but Greece is still unstable. And so is the EUR in the forex markets.
  4. J

    An Idiots View On Market Psychology

    Well-said, Courtney. Very well-said indeed. I would like to add that just like we think it's warm outside from scantily clad people, our training in childhood helps us make informed decisions. The same way, training and tutorials can also help make informed investments in the forex markets.
  5. J

    Forex History

    Wow! So we turn 40 this year eh?! :)
  6. J


    Cool! This is Jen here and am pleased to find a newbie with me here on this Forum. Hope you like it as much as I have! :)
  7. J

    Hey New member here.

    Hey mate! I am pretty new here too, so guess we can learn stuff and compare together later on?! :)
  8. J

    What, exactly is Scalping?

    Well said. This window period of trading may range from a few hours to a week! But the point here is not the time but the kind of profit margin you can scalp out from the maneuvers.
  9. J

    My book - Forex Scalping

    Great! Looking forward to reading it soon.
  10. J

    good broker!!!!

    Well, sounds pretty promotional really. However, I would agree that a veteran forex trader does make some subtle differences to the results that businesses and firms can achieve! :)
  11. J

    what is the most honest indicator?

    Brilliantly well put point. The real decisions are taken while at the helm of a forex trading robot or chart by an agent, and not through indicators!
  12. J

    New to forex trading

    Same here mate! See you at the top of the forex trading charts someday! :)
  13. J

    EUR/USD takes a breather in Asia

    What?! Why?
  14. J

    trading automatique forex

    Right. But wasn't it apt that the currencies are quoted in multiple decimal accuracy, for otherwise the traders trading in thousands would stand to lose even hundreds of dollars/money if the accuracy is even .001% skewed!
  15. J

    Life long learning

    There was never a better statement than this. I have been in this industry for 6 years, and I still feel that I am at the edge of the ocean of forex trading knowledge that lies ahead of me. Bravo! :)
  16. J

    i'd like to train someone in forex

    why don't you get an online portal up and start promoting your trading skills? Students and amateurs will flock automatically. Trust my word - it comes from experienced sources!
  17. J

    Do you believe in Forex Robots?

    ---- I think Forex agents are better to predict and mark out strategies than robots. What do you think?!
  18. J

    Easy Forex puts perspective over fears of Greece’s future

    With the debt ceiling probably to be raised and the debt crisis being rescued, I think forex markets are bound to bounce back up.
  19. J

    EUR/USD takes a breather in Asia

    Didn't really understand if that was a positive or a negative message.
  20. J

    5 Tips for forex beginner

    Well done, especially Point #4. The best traders are the ones who have patience and persevere, unlike the nervous and impulsive rookies!